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Creating the Device Update Program

The Device Update Program file controls the update process of your run-time image by specifying the files to update, directories to create, and registry settings to modify. The Device Update Program is compiled from an ASCII text script by using the dusc utility.

To create the Device Update Program

  1. Identify your update requirements.

    For Microsoft QFE updates, Device Update Agent does not apply a QFE directly to the run-time image. Each file, directory, and registry setting that you want updated must be included as a command to the Device Update Script, and each file must be available to the device. For additional information, see How to Create a DUA Script for a QFE Update.

    If you are creating a custom update to your run-time image, note the files, directories and registry settings included in your update.

    If you are updating an EWF-protected run-time image, you must either disable EWF during the update, or commit the EWF overlay to the run-time image. For more information, see Design Considerations for Using EWF with Device Update Agent.

  2. After you identify the update requirements, author your device update script. For information about the device update script syntax, as well as the sample scripts and commands, see Device Update Script.

    Note   When you author your device update script, verify the values and parameters for each command. Missing or extra comma delimiters can change the behavior of the command.

    If you are updating system files, see Update System Files by Using DUA.

  3. Save the script file with a .dus (device update script) file extension.

  4. Copy the device update script compiler files, Duscaut.dll and Dusc.exe, from the Windows XP Embedded installation directory (C:\Program Files\Windows Embedded\bin) to the working directory on the development system.

  5. Register duscaut.dll with regsvr32. From a command line, type:

    regsvr32 duscaut.dll
  6. Use the Dusc.exe utility to compile the script to a Device Update Program. From a command line, type:

    dusc.exe <script name>.dus <file name>.dup

    The compiler creates a .dup file in the current directory. For additional information about the dusc command, see DUA Script Compiler Commands.

After the Device Update Program is created, you can deploy it, along with the files that you want updated to the DUA polling location.

See Also

Device Update Agent | How to Configure DUA to Poll a Web Server | How to Configure DUA to Poll a Media Device

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