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IHV Configuration Extensions

Important  The Native 802.11 Wireless LAN interface is deprecated in Windows 10 and later. Please use the WLAN Device Driver Interface (WDI) instead. For more information about WDI, see WLAN Universal Windows driver model.


The independent hardware vendor (IHV) uses the OID_DOT11_NIC_SPECIFIC_EXTENSION object identifier (OID) for method requests to its miniport driver for setting or querying configuration of proprietary NIC extensions. This OID can be used in all Native 802.11 operation modes supported by the miniport driver.

Note  Miniport drivers that provide NIC-specific extensions should use OID_DOT11_NIC_SPECIFIC_EXTENSION rather than vendor-defined OIDs.


The OID_DOT11_NIC_SPECIFIC_EXTENSION OID is an NDIS method OID. When the driver's MiniportOidRequest function is called, the OidRequest parameter contains the address of an NDIS_OID_REQUEST structure with its members set to the following values:

  • The RequestType member set to NdisRequestMethod.

  • The Data.MethodInformation.Oid member set to OID_DOT11_NIC_SPECIFIC_EXTENSION.

  • The Data.MethodInformation.InformationBuffer member set to the address of a caller-allocated buffer that contains a OID_DOT11_NIC_SPECIFIC_EXTENSION structure followed by data in a format defined by the IHV.

An IHV Extensions DLL, developed by the IHV for the support of proprietary connectivity and security extensions, can issue method requests of OID_DOT11_NIC_SPECIFIC_EXTENSION to the miniport driver through calls to the Dot11ExtNicSpecificExtension, function, which is part of the IHV Extensibility application programming interface (API). For more information about this API, see Native 802.11 IHV Extensibility Functions.