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GetEventInfoFlags method

Called by MSHTML to determine whether the IHTMLPainterEventInfo::GetEventTarget and IHTMLPainterEventInfo::SetCursor methods of this interface are to be called in response to successful hit-tests on the element to which the rendering behavior is attached.


HRESULT retVal = object.GetEventInfoFlags(plEventInfoFlags);


  • plEventInfoFlags [out]
    Type: long

    Pointer to a long that receives a value containing HTMLPAINT_EVENT_TARGET values combined with the bit-wise OR operator (|).

Return value


If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


Passing HTMLPAINT_EVENT_TARGET to MSHTML in an implementation of this method causes MSHTML to call IHTMLPainterEventInfo::GetEventTarget whenever a successful hit-test occurs on the rendering behavior.

Passing HTMLPAINT_EVENT_SETCURSOR causes MSHTML to call IHTMLPainterEventInfo::SetCursor whenever a successful hit-test occurs.