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Key Property


Sets a key in a Dictionary object.


object.Key(key) = newkey


  • object
    Required. Always the name of a Dictionary object.

  • key
    Required. Key value being changed.

  • newkey
    Required. New value that replaces the specified key.


If key is not found when changing a key, a new key is created and its associated item is left empty.

The following example illustrates the use of the Key property:

var d;
d = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.Dictionary");

function AddStuff()
   var a;
   d.Add("a", "Athens");
   d.Add("b", "Belgrade");
   d.Add("c", "Cairo");

function ChangeKey(oldkey, newkey)
   var s;
   d.Key("c") = "Ca";
   s = "Key " + oldkey + " changed to " + newkey;
Function DicDemo
   Dim d   ' Create some variables.
   Set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
   d.Add "a", "Athens"   ' Add some keys and items.
   d.Add "b", "Belgrade"
   d.Add "c", "Cairo"
   d.Key("c") = "d"   ' Set key for "c" to "d".
   DicDemo = d.Item("d")   ' Return associate item.
End Function

Applies To:

Dictionary Object

See Also

CompareMode Property
Count Property (Script Runtime)
Item Property (Script Runtime)