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Connstat Remarks

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2

ConnStat Remarks

Before Using ConnStat

If Perl is not installed on your system, if you are connected to the Internet, you can download a free version from the ActiveState Web site.

Using the ConnStat Report

The Connstat report consists of three main sections, the Report Header section, the Inbound Connections section, and the Outbound Connections section. Familiarity with FRS concepts and terminology is required in order to interpret these reports.

The Report Header Section

The first line of the Report Header lists the file specified in the ConnStat datafile parameter as well as the date that the file was last modified. The remainder of the Report Header gives information about the FRS service on the host where the input file was generated. The following table describes this information:

Report Element Description Comment


Displays the replica set name and GUID.

SYSVOL replica sets are always called "DOMAIN SYSTEM VOLUME (SYSVOL SHARE)." Replica sets are uniquely identified by the GUID.


Displays the member name. Individual computers in a replica set are referred to as replica members.

Note that for DFS replica sets this name is often a GUID.


Shows the state of the FRS service. Valid return values are between 0 and 7.

  • 0 - Allocated: indicates an initializing state

  • 1 - Initializing: indicates an initializing state

  • 2 - Starting: indicates an initializing state

  • 3 - Active: the replica set is functioning

  • 4 - Stopped: the replica set is stopped with an error

  • 5 - Error: the replica set is stopped with an error

  • 6 - Jrnl_Wrap_Error: the replica set is stopped with an error

  • 7 - Replica_Deleted: indicates the replica set is marked for deletion

The friendly name is displayed in parentheses next to the return value, for example 3 (ACTIVE).


Displays the current outbound log sequence number.



Displays the outbound log sequence number where the next clean-up will begin.



Represents the difference between OutLogSecNum and OutLogCleanup. This is a good estimation of the number of change orders currently present in the outbound log.


Config Flags

Displays state information about the replica set. Possible values are: Multimaster, Primary, or Seeding.

In multi-master replica sets, any domain controller accepts and replicates directory changes to any other domain controller. A primary flag means the host was a primary member when the replica set was created. The seeding flag, used for SYSVOL only, indicates the replica set is in the initial, seeding state.

Root Path

The root path used by the replica member.


Staging Path

The staging path used by the replica member.


File Filter

Lists file extensions that were excluded during replication, if any.


Directory Filter

Lists directories that were excluded during replication, if any.


The Inbound Connections Section

This section gives state information for all inbound connections for the given member machine. The following table lists columns and descriptions for this section:

Column Heading Description Comments


Displays the name of the immediate inbound partner for this replica member (member machine).

To participate in a valid FRS replica set, each member must have at least one inbound partner.


Specifies whether the connection is inbound (In) or outbound (Out).

This column appears in both the Inbound and Outbound report sections.


Specifies the current inbound connection state.

See the Connection State table in the Connection State Definitions remark for a list of valid Inbound connection states and their meanings.


Represents operating system version information for the communication protocol of the inbound partner. Valid values include the following:

  • 0 - The connection is not currently joined.

  • 3 - The partner is running either Windows 2000 v. 2195, Windows 2000 v. 2195 SP1, or Windows 2000 v. 2195 SP2 with compression disabled.

  • 4 - The partner is running Windows 2000 v. 2195 SP2 with compression enabled.

  • 7 - The partner is running Windows 2000 v. 2195 SP3.

  • 8 - The partner is running a member of the Windows Server 2003.



Displays a timestamp showing when the replica member last successfully joined with this partner.

This data is available only for partners running Windows 2000 SP2 or later.

The Outbound Connections Section

This section gives state information for all outbound connections for the given member machine. The following table lists columns and descriptions for this section.


  • The first several columns are identical to the Inbound connection report, with some additional information in the State column (see the Connection State table in the Connection State Definitions remark for more information). The columns starting with OLog State contains outbound log-related state information for the connection.
Column Heading Description Comments


Displays the name of the immediate outbound partner for this replica member.



Specifies whether the connection is inbound (In) or outbound (Out).



Specifies the current outbound connection state.

See the Connection State table in the Connection State Definitions remark for a list of valid Outbound connection states and their meaning.

In the outbound connections report, the appearance of the tag "-vv" means that this connection is performing a Version Vector-based join operation. Typically this is done when the outbound partner is first added to the replica set or if it is in the process of doing a non-authoritative restore (a D2). Once this initial sync is complete, the connection leaves the VVJoin state.


Represents operating system version information for the outbound partner’s communication protocol.

See the Inbound Connection table in the Inbound Connections Section remark for definitions of the operating system versions.



Displays a timestamp showing when the replica member last successfully joined with this partner.

This data is available only for partners running Windows 2000 SP2 or later.

OLog State

Specifies the state of outbound log processing for this connection.

  • OLP_UNJOINED - The partner is not joined.

  • OLP_ELIGIBLE - The partner can accept further change orders (Connection joined, and "change orders out" is less than the max limit).

  • OLP_STANDBY - The partner is ready to join the eligible list.

  • OLP_AT_QUOTA - The partner is at max quota for outstanding change orders.

  • OLP_INACTIVE - The partner is not accepting change orders.


  • OLP_AT_QUOTA is a normal condition when FRS is actively replicating because the service always tries to keep eight change orders outstanding on each joined outbound connection.



Specifies the index into the outbound log for the next change order to be processed for this connection.


Send Delta

Specifies the difference between OutLogSeqNum (index of the most recent change order in the outlog) and the Leadx value for this connection. In other words, Send Delta specifies the number of change orders that remain to be processed by this connection.

A Send Delta of zero means that this connection is fully synchronized at this time. Unless there is very little activity in the replica set or the connection schedule is always on, you are unlikely to find connections with a Send Delta of zero.



Specifies the index into the outbound log of the oldest unacknowledged outbound change order. Each change order sent to the partner for this connection must eventually be acknowledged.


Cleanup Delta

Specifies the difference between the Trailx value for this connection and OutLogCleanup index, the latter being the minimum Trailx value for all outbound connections.

Partners having connections with small cleanup deltas should be examined carefully to verify their operational status, since they are often the ones who are furthest behind in replicating content from this member.


Specifies the difference between the values in the Leadx and Trailx columns. This maximum value is limited by the size of the AckVector, typically 128.

A value of 127 in this column indicates that the connection may require investigation.

If the value of LMT isnbsp;127, wait for a while to see if the condition changes. If it does not, first try to delete and recreate the related connection object in the directory service. If the condition persists, then you may need to run a non-authoritative restore on the outbound partner.

COs Out

Specifies the number of active unacknowledged change orders pending at the partner. By default, FRS allows up to 8 change orders to be outstanding at a time on each outbound connection.

This limit is controlled by a registry parameter, which you may want to increase in an environment with high latency communication links. Note that FRS on the partner will try to initiate fetch requests for staging files for all eight change orders concurrently, so increasing this registry parameter will increase the load on the upstream member. See the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Technical Reference for more details.

Last VVJoin

Specifies the last date and time that a Version Vector-based join was done on the connection.


Connection State Definitions

The following table lists Connection State values and their meaning:

Connection State Description


Specifies that the connection is newly allocated.


Specifies that the connection is not yet joined to a partner.


Specifies that the inbound partner has requested a join (StartJoin).


Specifies that the join has started.


Specifies that FRS is scanning the inbound log for the replica set.


Specifies that the scan was completed, and the join request has been forwarded to the partner.


Specifies that FRS is waiting for a reply from the partner.


Specifies that the join request succeeded.


Specifies that the join request failed after a series of retries.


Specifies that the connection has been deleted.

See Also


Connstat Overview
Connstat Syntax
Connstat Examples
Alphabetical List of Tools
Rsdir Overview
Rsdiag Overview
Iologsum Overview
Health_chk Overview
Ftonline Overview
Filever Overview
Efsinfo Overview
Dmdiag Overview
Dskprobe Overview
Diruse Overview
Dfsutil Overview
Cabarc Overview
Bitsadmin Overview