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Copies the contents of the floppy disk in the source drive to a formatted or unformatted floppy disk in the destination drive. Used without parameters, diskcopy uses the current drive for the source disk and the destination disk.


diskcopy [drive1**:** [drive2**:]] [/v**]


drive1   : Specifies the drive containing the source disk.

drive2   : Specifies the drive containing the destination disk.

/v : Verifies that the information is copied correctly. This command-line option slows down the copying process.

/? : Displays help at the command prompt.


  • Using disks

    Diskcopy works only with removable disks, such as floppy disks. You cannot use diskcopy with a hard disk. If you specify a hard disk drive for drive1 or drive2, diskcopy displays the following error message:

    Invalid drive specification

Specified drive does not exist or is nonremovable

The **diskcopy** command prompts you to insert the source and destination disks and waits for you to press any key on the keyboard before continuing.

After copying, **diskcopy** displays the following message:

Copy another diskette (Y/N)?

If you press Y, **diskcopy** prompts you to insert source and destination disks for the next copy operation. To stop the **diskcopy** process, press N.

If you are copying to an unformatted floppy disk in *drive2*, **diskcopy** formats the disk with the same number of sides and sectors per track as are on the disk in *drive1*. **Diskcopy** displays the following message while it formats the disk and copies the files:

Formatting while copying
  • Disk serial numbers

    If the source disk has a volume serial number, diskcopy creates a new volume serial number for the destination disk and displays the number when the copy operation is complete.

  • Omitting drive parameters

    If you omit the drive2 parameter, diskcopy uses the current drive as the destination drive. If you omit both drive parameters, diskcopy uses the current drive for both. If the current drive is the same as drive1, diskcopy prompts you to swap disks as necessary.

  • Using one drive for copying

    If drive1 and drive2 are the same, diskcopy prompts you to switch disks. If you omit both Drive parameters and the current disk drive is a floppy disk drive, diskcopy prompts you each time you need to insert a disk in the drive. If the disks contain more information than available memory can hold, diskcopy cannot read all of the information at once. Diskcopy reads from the source disk, writes to the destination disk, and prompts you to insert the source disk again. This process continues until you have copied the entire disk.

  • Avoiding disk fragmentation

    Because diskcopy makes an exact copy of the source disk on the destination disk, any fragmentation on the source disk is transferred to the destination disk. Fragmentation is the presence of small areas of unused disk space between existing files on a disk.

    A fragmented source disk can slow down the process of finding, reading, or writing files. To avoid transferring fragmentation from one disk to another, use copy or xcopy to copy your disk. Because copy and xcopy copy files sequentially, the new disk is not fragmented.

    warning Warning

    • You cannot use xcopy to copy a startup disk.
  • Understanding diskcopy exit codes

    The following table lists each exit code and a brief description.

    Exit code



    Copy operation was successful


    Nonfatal read/write error occurred


    Fatal hard error occurred


    Initialization error occurred

    To process exit codes returned by diskcomp, you can use the errorlevel on the if command line in a batch program. For an example of a batch program that processes exit codes, see diskcomp in Related Topics.


To copy the disk in drive B to the disk in drive A, type:

diskcopy b: a:

Formatting legend




Information that the user must supply


Elements that the user must type exactly as shown

Ellipsis (...)

Parameter that can be repeated several times in a command line

Between brackets ([])

Optional items

Between braces ({}); choices separated by pipe (|). Example: {even|odd}

Set of choices from which the user must choose only one

Courier font

Code or program output



Command-line reference A-Z