Suspends replication between computers regardless of schedule.
Parameter Set: Default
Suspend-DfsReplicationGroup [-GroupName] <String[]> [-SourceComputerName] <String> [-DestinationComputerName] <String> [-DurationInMinutes] <UInt32> [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [ <CommonParameters>]
Descrizione dettagliata
The Suspend-DfsReplicationGroup cmdlet suspends replication between computers, even if replication was scheduled by either a replication group or a connection.
This cmdlet ignores the schedule for a specified number of minutes. This is typically preferable to altering the schedule temporarily to prevent replication, because this cmdlet does not require Active Directory replication and LDAP polling.
Specifies the name of the receiving computer. A destination computer is also called an inbound or downstream computer. This computer overrides its schedule and stops inbound replication.
Alias |
ReceivingMember,RMem |
Obbligatorio? |
true |
Posizione? |
3 |
Valore predefinito |
nessuno |
Accetta input da pipeline? |
True (ByPropertyName) |
Accetta caratteri jolly? |
false |
Specifies the number of minutes to suspend replication.
Alias |
Time |
Obbligatorio? |
true |
Posizione? |
4 |
Valore predefinito |
nessuno |
Accetta input da pipeline? |
false |
Accetta caratteri jolly? |
false |
Specifies an array of names of replication groups. If you do not specify this parameter, the cmdlet queries for all participating replications groups. You can specify multiple groups, separated by commas.
Alias |
RG,RgName |
Obbligatorio? |
true |
Posizione? |
1 |
Valore predefinito |
nessuno |
Accetta input da pipeline? |
True (ByValue, ByPropertyName) |
Accetta caratteri jolly? |
false |
Specifies the name of the sending computer. A source computer is also called an outbound or upstream computer.
Alias |
SendingMember,SMem |
Obbligatorio? |
true |
Posizione? |
2 |
Valore predefinito |
nessuno |
Accetta input da pipeline? |
True (ByPropertyName) |
Accetta caratteri jolly? |
false |
Richiede conferma prima di eseguire il cmdlet.
Obbligatorio? |
false |
Posizione? |
named |
Valore predefinito |
False |
Accetta input da pipeline? |
false |
Accetta caratteri jolly? |
false |
Mostra gli effetti dell'esecuzione del cmdlet. Il cmdlet non viene eseguito.
Obbligatorio? |
false |
Posizione? |
named |
Valore predefinito |
False |
Accetta input da pipeline? |
false |
Accetta caratteri jolly? |
false |
Questo cmdlet supporta i parametri comuni: -Verbose, -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -OutBuffer e -OutVariable. Per altre informazioni, vedere about_CommonParameters (
Il tipo di input è il tipo degli oggetti che è possibile reindirizzare al cmdlet.
- Microsoft.DistributedFileSystemReplication.DfsReplicationGroup, uint, string Computername, string Computername
Il tipo di output corrisponde al tipo di oggetti generati dal cmdlet.
- Microsoft.DistributedFileSystemReplication.DfsReplicationGroup
Example 1: Suspend replication between servers
This command suspends replication from server SRV01 to SRV02 in the RG01 replication group for 15 minutes, even if the replication happens during an open replication schedule.
PS C:\> Suspend-DfsReplicationGroup -GroupName "RG01" -SourceComputerName SRV01 -DestinationComputerName SRV02 -DurationInMinutes 15
Example 2: Suspend replication between servers with verbose output
This command suspends replication from server SRV01 to SRV02 in the RG01 replication group for 5 minutes, even if the replication happens during an open replication schedule, and displays output.
PS C:\> Suspend-DfsReplicationGroup -GroupName "RG01" -SourceComputerName SRV01 -DestinationComputerName SRV02 -DurationInMinutes 5 -Verbose