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MediaElement.MediaFailed Evento


Si verifica quando si verifica un errore associato all'origine multimediale.

 virtual event ExceptionRoutedEventHandler ^ MediaFailed;
// Register
event_token MediaFailed(ExceptionRoutedEventHandler const& handler) const;

// Revoke with event_token
void MediaFailed(event_token const* cookie) const;

// Revoke with event_revoker
MediaElement::MediaFailed_revoker MediaFailed(auto_revoke_t, ExceptionRoutedEventHandler const& handler) const;
public event ExceptionRoutedEventHandler MediaFailed;
function onMediaFailed(eventArgs) { /* Your code */ }
mediaElement.addEventListener("mediafailed", onMediaFailed);
mediaElement.removeEventListener("mediafailed", onMediaFailed);
- or -
mediaElement.onmediafailed = onMediaFailed;
Public Custom Event MediaFailed As ExceptionRoutedEventHandler 
<MediaElement MediaFailed="eventhandler" .../>

Tipo evento


Il codice seguente crea un gestore eventi MediaFailed che chiama una funzione helper per recuperare HRESULT dagli argomenti dell'evento.

private void videoMediaElement_MediaFailed(object sender, ExceptionRoutedEventArgs e)
    // get HRESULT from event args 
    string hr = GetHresultFromErrorMessage(e);

    // Handle media failed event appropriately 

private string GetHresultFromErrorMessage(ExceptionRoutedEventArgs e)
    String hr = String.Empty;
    String token = "HRESULT - ";
    const int hrLength = 10;     // eg "0xFFFFFFFF"

    int tokenPos = e.ErrorMessage.IndexOf(token, StringComparison.Ordinal);
    if (tokenPos != -1)
        hr = e.ErrorMessage.Substring(tokenPos + token.Length, hrLength);

    return hr;


È consigliabile gestire sempre l'evento MediaFailed e intraprendere azioni appropriate.

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