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Codice di esempio (Profilo fotocamera V2)

Le sezioni seguenti contengono codice di esempio che illustrano la modalità di utilizzo delle nuove superfici API. Ogni sezione descrive lo scenario per il codice di esempio.

Esempio 1

Un dispositivo MFT fornito da IHV/OEM dovrà fornire un set di profili di fotocamera supportati dal sensore sottostante e dall'ISP. Questa operazione viene pubblicata durante il metodo IMFDeviceTransform::InitializeTransform() del dispositivo MFT.

I profili della fotocamera forniti devono essere impostati nell'archivio FMAttributes della trasformazione connessa, ovvero l'archivio delle query della pipeline dopo che la pipeline è completamente costruita.

Questo esempio è tipico di un caso in cui un'IHV fornisce un singolo pacchetto di driver di riferimento che ha abilitato i profili, tuttavia, le macchine virtuali possono scegliere di associare il modulo della fotocamera con moduli di sensore diversi. In questi casi, poiché i sensori potrebbero non avere le stesse funzionalità, sono necessari un aggiornamento di runtime dei profili. Questa operazione viene eseguita dal DMFT.

    _In_ IMFAttributes *pAttributes 
    ComPtr<IMFTransform>                spTransform;
    ComPtr<IMFAttributes>               spAttributes;
    ComPtr<IMFSensorProfileCollection>  spProfileCollection;
    ComPtr<IMFSensorProfile>            spProfile;

    if (nullptr == pAttributes)
        return E_INVALIDARG;

    // Get the connected KSCONTROL interface, this is the 
    // IMFTransform of the up stream transform--which will
    // be the devproxy if only one DMFT is present, or
    // will be forwarded by the platform DMFT if that is
    // in between the IHV/OEM DMFT and devproxy.
    // In either case, the IHV/OEM DMFT won't need to know
    // the topology.
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (spTransform->GetAttributes(&spAttributes));

    // Create an empty profile collection...
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (MFCreateSensorProfileCollection(&spProfileCollection));

    // In this example:
    // Pin0 - Preview pin.
    // Pin1 - Capture/Record pin.
    // Pin2 - Photo pin.
    // Pin3 - IR pin.
    // Legacy profile is mandatory.  This is to ensure non-profile
    // aware applications can still function, but with degraded
    // feature sets.
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (MFCreateSensorProfile(KSCAMERAPROFILE_Legacy, 0, nullptr, 
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (spProfile->AddProfileFilter(0, L"((RES==;FRT<=30,1;SUT==))"));
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (spProfile->AddProfileFilter(1, L"((RES==;FRT<=30,1;SUT==))"));
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (spProfile->AddProfileFilter(2, L"((RES==;FRT<=30,1;SUT==))"));
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (spProfile->AddProfileFilter(3, L"((RES==;FRT<=30,1;SUT==))"));
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (spProfileCollection->AddProfile(spProfile));

    // High Frame Rate profile will only allow preview & record/capture pin.
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (MFCreateSensorProfile(KSCAMERAPROFILE_HighFrameRate, 0, nullptr, 
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (spProfile->AddProfileFilter(0, L"((RES==;FRT==;SUT==))"));
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (spProfile->AddProfileFilter(1, L"((RES==;FRT>=60,1;SUT==))"));
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (spProfile->AddProfileFilter(2, L"(!)"));
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (spProfile->AddProfileFilter(3, L"(!)"));
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (spProfileCollection->AddProfile(spProfile));

    // HighQualityPhoto profile will only allow preview and photo pin.
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (MFCreateSensorProfile(KSCAMERAPROFILE_HighQualityPhoto, 0, nullptr, 
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (spProfile->AddProfileFilter(0, L"((RES==;FRT==;SUT==))"));
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (spProfile->AddProfileFilter(1, L"(!)"));
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (spProfile->AddProfileFilter(2, L"((RES==;FRT==;SUT==))"));
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (spProfile->AddProfileFilter(3, L"(!)"));
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (spProfileCollection->AddProfile(spProfile));

    // Face auth only allows 720p@30fps from preview and any from IR pin.
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (MFCreateSensorProfile(KSCAMERAPROFILE_FaceAuth_Mode, 0, nullptr, 
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (spProfile->AddProfileFilter(0, L"((RES==1280,720;FRT==30,1;SUT==))"));
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (spProfile->AddProfileFilter(1, L"(!)"));
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (spProfile->AddProfileFilter(2, L"(!)"));
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (spProfile->AddProfileFilter(3, L"((RES==;FRT==;SUT==))"));
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (spProfileCollection->AddProfile(spProfile));

    // Se the profile collection to the attribute store of the IMFTransform.

    // ... Rest of the InitializeTransform logic...

Esempio 2

In questo scenario si presuppone che l'IHV/OEM abbia fornito una trasformazione del gruppo di sensori (SGT), che sintetizza il flusso multimediale da più dispositivi fisici. Si presuppone inoltre che l'IHV abbia fornito una singola implementazione di riferimento per i driver di fotocamera per ognuno dei dispositivi fisici (possibilmente provenienti da fornitori diversi), ma l'OEM (o un'IHV diversa) ha scelto di associare il driver della fotocamera con sensori diversi e/o ISP.

Ciò comporta alcune delle funzionalità dichiarate dall'implementazione di riferimento non più valide. SGT aggiornerà/rimuoverà i profili forniti per descrivere in modo più accurato le funzionalità dell'hardware sottostante.

L'esempio seguente è l'implementazione del metodo IMFSensorTransformFactory::InitializeFactory. Questa operazione viene implementata da un IHV/OEM che produce il pacchetto driver per il sottosistema della fotocamera.

    _In_ DWORD dwMaxTransformCount, 
    _In_ IMFCollection* sensorDevices, 
    _In_opt_ IMFAttributes* pAttributes 
    DWORD sensorDeviceCount = 0;
    ComPtr<IUnknown> unknown;

    if (nullptr == sensorDevices)
        return E_INVALIDARG;

    // For this example, the IHV/OEM added a SGT to a multi-camera
    // setup.  And the SGT is responsible for updating the profile
    // information available from each of the physical cameras, and
    // leave it's own profile as "blank".  This has the net effect
    // of having the SGT support any profile the physical devices
    // expose.
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (sensorDevices->GetElementCount(&sensorDeviceCount));
    for (DWORD idx = 0; idx < sensorDeviceCount; idx++)
        ComPtr<IMFGetService> service;
        ComPtr<IMFSensorProfileCollection> profileCollection;
        SENSORPROFILEID sensorProfileId;

        RETURN_IF_FAILED (sensorDevices->GetElement(idx, 
        RETURN_IF_FAILED (unknown.As(service.ReleaseAndGetAddressOf()));
        RETURN_IF_FAILED (service->GetService(GUID_NULL, 

        // Let's assume that for this ISP/sensor, we cannot support
        // photo sequence but our reference driver published a single
        // photo sequence profile whose ID is hardcoded to a static
        // variable s_PhotoSequenceProfileId.
        RETURN_IF_FAILED (profileCollection->RemoveProfile(&s_PhotoSequenceProfileId));

        // Let's also assume this is a low cost ISP/sensor so our driver
        // cannot support Video HDR (VHDR) control for high frame rate
        // recording and our reference implementation published multiple
        // high frame rate recording profile.
        // Also for this combination of ISP/sensor, we cannot support
        // Face Auth (IR doesn't support alternate illumination option).
        // So we need to remove all Face Auth from our collection.
        for (DWORD profileIdx = 0; 
                   profileIdx < profileCollection->GetProfileCount();)
            ComPtr<IMFSensorProfile> profile;

            RETURN_IF_FAILED (profileCollection->GetProfile(profileIdx, 

            RETURN_IF_FAILED (profile->GetProfileId(&profileId));
            if (profileId.Type == KSCAMERAPROFILE_HighFrameRate)
                RETURN_IF_FAILED (profile->AddBlockedControl(L"VHDR"));
            if (profileId.Type == KSCAMERAPROFILE_FaceAuth_Mode)
                RETURN_IF_FAILED (profileCollection->RemoveProfileByIndex(profileIdx));

    // ... Rest of the InitializeFactory logic...

Esempio 3

In base al profilo selezionato per un determinato dispositivo, determinare quale tipo di supporto da tale dispositivo è supportato/non supportato per il profilo usando le informazioni FMSensorStream.

Questo esempio viene fornito per illustrare come è possibile usare il profilo nello spazio client quando si usa direttamente l'API Win32. L'API WinRT implementa già questa logica quando viene usata tramite le API CameraProfile.

    _In_z_ LPCWSTR deviceSymbolicName,
    _In_ UINT32 pinId,
    _In_ SENSORPROFILEID* profileId,
    _COM_Outptr_ IMFCollection** mediaTypeCollection
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    ComPtr<IMFCollection> collection;
    ComPtr<IMFSensorGroup> sensorGroup;
    ComPtr<IMFGetService> service;
    ComPtr<IMFSensorProfileCollection> profileCollection;
    ComPtr<IMFSensorProfile> profile;
    ComPtr<IMFSensorStream> sensorStream;
    DWORD deviceCount = 0;
    DWORD streamCount = 0;
    DWORD mediaTypeCount = 0;

    // Validate in params.
    if (nullptr == deviceSymbolicName || nullptr == profileId)
        return E_INVALIDARG;
    if (pinId == (UINT32)-1)
    if (nullptr == mediaTypeCollection)
        return E_POINTER;
    *mediaTypeCollection = nullptr;

    RETURN_IF_FAILED (MFCreateCollection(collection.ReleaseAndGetAddressOf()));

    // Create the SensorGroup for our device name.  This device name
    // can be a single physical device name or it can be a multi-device
    // group of devices.  In either case, MFCreateSensorGroup will create
    // a non-activated snapshot of the device(s).
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (MFCreateSensorGroup(deviceSymbolicName, &sensorGroup));
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (sensorGroup.As(service.ReleaseAndGetAddressOf()));

    // Now check if they have a profile collection.
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (service->GetService(GUID_NULL, 

    if (profileCollection->GetProfileCount() != 0)
        // If they published profiles, but we can't find the specific
        // profile, it means this camera doesn't support that scenario
        // so we should return an empty collection of media types to
        // indicate no support.
        if (FAILED(profileCollection->FindProfile(profileId, 
            *mediaTypeCollection = collection.Detach();
            return S_OK;

    // If profiles are not supported, then ALL media types are
    // supported.  And we can indicate that by keeping the
    // profile null.  So we have to walk the sensor stream
    // but that means we have to find the sensor stream for
    // the pinId.
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (sensorGroup->GetSensorDeviceCount(&deviceCount));
    for (DWORD deviceIdx = 0; deviceIdx < deviceCount && 
                              sensorStream.Get() == nullptr; deviceIdx++)
        RETURN_IF_FAILED (sensorGroup->GetSensorDevice(deviceIdx, 

        RETURN_IF_FAILED (sensorDevice->GetStreamAttributesCount(MFSensorStreamType_Output, 
        for (DWORD streamIdx = 0; streamIdx < streamCount; streamIdx++)
            RETURN_IF_FAILED (sensorDevice->GetStreamAttributes(

            if (MFGetAttributesUINT32(streamAttributes, 
                                      (UINT32) -1) == pinId)
                RETURN_IF_FAILED (streamAttributes.As(sensorStream.ReleaseAndGetAddressOf()));

    // If we didn't find a sensorStream for the PinId, then we
    // were given bad data....
    if (sensorStream.Get() == nullptr)
    RETURN_IF_FAILED (sensorStream->GetMediaTypeCount(&mediaTypeCount));
    for (DWORD mediaTypeIdx = 0; mediaTypeIdx < mediaTypeCount; mediaTypeIdx++)
        ComPtr<IMFMediaType> mediaType;

        RETURN_IF_FAILED (sensorStream->GetMediaType(mediaTypeIdx, 
        if (profile.Get() != nullptr)
            BOOL supported = FALSE;

            RETURN_IF_FAILED (profile->IsMediaTypeSupported(pinId, 
            if (supported)
                RETURN_IF_FAILED (collection->AddElement(mediaType.Get()));
            RETURN_IF_FAILED (collection->AddElement(mediaType.Get()));

    *mediaTypeCollection = collection.Detach();

    return S_OK;

Specifica per sviluppatori del profilo della fotocamera V2