Fusione alfa di una bitmap
L'esempio di codice seguente divide una finestra in tre aree orizzontali. Disegna quindi una bitmap con fusione alfa in ognuna delle aree della finestra come indicato di seguito:
- Nell'area superiore, costante alfa = 50% ma non esiste alcuna fonte alfa.
- Nell'area centrale, la costante alfa = 100% (disabilitata) e l'alfa di origine è 0 (trasparente) al centro della bitmap e 0xff (opaco) altrove.
- Nell'area inferiore, costante alfa = 75% e modifiche alfa di origine.
void DrawAlphaBlend (HWND hWnd, HDC hdcwnd)
HDC hdc; // handle of the DC we will create
BLENDFUNCTION bf; // structure for alpha blending
HBITMAP hbitmap; // bitmap handle
BITMAPINFO bmi; // bitmap header
VOID *pvBits; // pointer to DIB section
ULONG ulWindowWidth, ulWindowHeight; // window width/height
ULONG ulBitmapWidth, ulBitmapHeight; // bitmap width/height
RECT rt; // used for getting window dimensions
UINT32 x,y; // stepping variables
UCHAR ubAlpha; // used for doing transparent gradient
UCHAR ubRed;
UCHAR ubGreen;
UCHAR ubBlue;
float fAlphaFactor; // used to do premultiply
// get window dimensions
GetClientRect(hWnd, &rt);
// calculate window width/height
ulWindowWidth = rt.right - rt.left;
ulWindowHeight = rt.bottom - rt.top;
// make sure we have at least some window size
if ((!ulWindowWidth) || (!ulWindowHeight))
// divide the window into 3 horizontal areas
ulWindowHeight = ulWindowHeight / 3;
// create a DC for our bitmap -- the source DC for AlphaBlend
hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(hdcwnd);
// zero the memory for the bitmap info
ZeroMemory(&bmi, sizeof(BITMAPINFO));
// setup bitmap info
// set the bitmap width and height to 60% of the width and height of each of the three horizontal areas. Later on, the blending will occur in the center of each of the three areas.
bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = ulBitmapWidth = ulWindowWidth - (ulWindowWidth/5)*2;
bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = ulBitmapHeight = ulWindowHeight - (ulWindowHeight/5)*2;
bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32; // four 8-bit components
bmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
bmi.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = ulBitmapWidth * ulBitmapHeight * 4;
// create our DIB section and select the bitmap into the dc
hbitmap = CreateDIBSection(hdc, &bmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, &pvBits, NULL, 0x0);
SelectObject(hdc, hbitmap);
// in top window area, constant alpha = 50%, but no source alpha
// the color format for each pixel is 0xaarrggbb
// set all pixels to blue and set source alpha to zero
for (y = 0; y < ulBitmapHeight; y++)
for (x = 0; x < ulBitmapWidth; x++)
((UINT32 *)pvBits)[x + y * ulBitmapWidth] = 0x000000ff;
bf.BlendOp = AC_SRC_OVER;
bf.BlendFlags = 0;
bf.SourceConstantAlpha = 0x7f; // half of 0xff = 50% transparency
bf.AlphaFormat = 0; // ignore source alpha channel
if (!AlphaBlend(hdcwnd, ulWindowWidth/5, ulWindowHeight/5,
ulBitmapWidth, ulBitmapHeight,
hdc, 0, 0, ulBitmapWidth, ulBitmapHeight, bf))
return; // alpha blend failed
// in middle window area, constant alpha = 100% (disabled), source
// alpha is 0 in middle of bitmap and opaque in rest of bitmap
for (y = 0; y < ulBitmapHeight; y++)
for (x = 0; x < ulBitmapWidth; x++)
if ((x > (int)(ulBitmapWidth/5)) && (x < (ulBitmapWidth-ulBitmapWidth/5)) &&
(y > (int)(ulBitmapHeight/5)) && (y < (ulBitmapHeight-ulBitmapHeight/5)))
//in middle of bitmap: source alpha = 0 (transparent).
// This means multiply each color component by 0x00.
// Thus, after AlphaBlend, we have a, 0x00 * r,
// 0x00 * g,and 0x00 * b (which is 0x00000000)
// for now, set all pixels to red
((UINT32 *)pvBits)[x + y * ulBitmapWidth] = 0x00ff0000;
// in the rest of bitmap, source alpha = 0xff (opaque)
// and set all pixels to blue
((UINT32 *)pvBits)[x + y * ulBitmapWidth] = 0xff0000ff;
bf.BlendOp = AC_SRC_OVER;
bf.BlendFlags = 0;
bf.AlphaFormat = AC_SRC_ALPHA; // use source alpha
bf.SourceConstantAlpha = 0xff; // opaque (disable constant alpha)
if (!AlphaBlend(hdcwnd, ulWindowWidth/5, ulWindowHeight/5+ulWindowHeight, ulBitmapWidth, ulBitmapHeight, hdc, 0, 0, ulBitmapWidth, ulBitmapHeight, bf))
// bottom window area, use constant alpha = 75% and a changing
// source alpha. Create a gradient effect using source alpha, and
// then fade it even more with constant alpha
ubRed = 0x00;
ubGreen = 0x00;
ubBlue = 0xff;
for (y = 0; y < ulBitmapHeight; y++)
for (x = 0; x < ulBitmapWidth; x++)
// for a simple gradient, base the alpha value on the x
// value of the pixel
ubAlpha = (UCHAR)((float)x / (float)ulBitmapWidth * 255);
//calculate the factor by which we multiply each component
fAlphaFactor = (float)ubAlpha / (float)0xff;
// multiply each pixel by fAlphaFactor, so each component
// is less than or equal to the alpha value.
((UINT32 *)pvBits)[x + y * ulBitmapWidth]
= (ubAlpha << 24) | //0xaa000000
((UCHAR)(ubRed * fAlphaFactor) << 16) | //0x00rr0000
((UCHAR)(ubGreen * fAlphaFactor) << 8) | //0x0000gg00
((UCHAR)(ubBlue * fAlphaFactor)); //0x000000bb
bf.BlendOp = AC_SRC_OVER;
bf.BlendFlags = 0;
bf.AlphaFormat = AC_SRC_ALPHA; // use source alpha
bf.SourceConstantAlpha = 0xbf; // use constant alpha, with
// 75% opaqueness
AlphaBlend(hdcwnd, ulWindowWidth/5,
ulWindowHeight/5+2*ulWindowHeight, ulBitmapWidth,
ulBitmapHeight, hdc, 0, 0, ulBitmapWidth,
ulBitmapHeight, bf);
// do cleanup