
100 worst movies of all time

I came upon the the IMDB
bottom 100 film list
while reconciling a lunch time wager pertaining to Cool
as Ice
. My opinions of the list

should not be on this list. If
you have seen it, you will agree. If you haven't, you won't understand why. Since
the list is dynamic, I am going to start a campaign to get it off the list.

Sequels past part three shouldn
t be on this list. E.g.

Police Academy

4, 5, 6 and 7. What s the point?

It is interesting that Batman
& Robin
made the list. I definitely
think it was bad, but I am surprised that the Batman franchise apologists didn t give
it high enough scores to keep it off the list. Although
any movie with Chris O Donnell should automatically make the worst 100.

How can Grease
be on this list? As my co-worker
Todd likes to point out It even includes a song about bowling .

Good to see that Owen Wilson (as
far as I can tell) is still clean. No
bottom 100 entries.

My opinion of movies that should
be on the list:


Pretty Woman, The Run Away Bride
in fact, any Julia Roberts movie except for Ocean s Eleven.

Any Star Wars movie without Han

Any movie where Harrison Ford isn
t playing Indiana Jones, Han Solo, or a detective who goes undercover in an Amish

The Way We Were

The Matrix minus special effects.

Beverly Hills

Cop 3