
Note enough commute time

About a 1 ½ years ago, I decided to purchase an iPod and get a membership with audible.com (which I highly recommend) in an effort to “read” more. Since the birth of my second child in mid-2003, my amount of free leisure time had been drastically cut and hence my reading time had become almost non-existence.

I am pleased to announce that this experiment has been quite successful, and in fact – I am basically stopped listening to the radio during my 70 minutes of total commute time each day. My only complaints are that the lack of technical books available in audible form (Please – someone start this business!) and that I don’t seem to have enough commute time now. I have tried to maximize the latter by leaving at the worse times, driving under the speed limit and always stopping for yellow lights – but it does not really seem to be enough. Perhaps I should move east of the mountains?

To compound this problem, I down loaded iPodder over the holidays and have been trying to figure out which feeds to download. I tried.Net Rocks – but it was a little too fluffy for me. I have heard good things about Adam Curry’s shows – but haven’t checked those out yet. Any help from the BlogSphere would be appreciated. I am looking for a regular show focused on technology (mostly software related) which is not too long.