
ObjectSpaces Myths

From the Post-PDC 2003, feedback there seems to be a number of fallacies circulating
about ObjectSpaces.  I have attempted
to answer of few of those below:

ObjectSpaces is a thin layer over ADO.net

ObjectSpaces utilizes the SqlClient support
of ADO.net to query and persist to Sql Server, it however does not use the ADO.net
Dataset in any way.


ObjectSpaces does not provide a ObjectServer
or a caching mechanism.

ObjectSpaces is designed to be a low level
component like the ADO.net stack. It
therefore does not implement any sort of server architecture for three tier and/ or
distributed applications. However, the
components have been designed with these sort of scenarios in mind so just like Datasets,
users who want to build this infrastructure with .net and ObjectSpaces will find the
task rather straight forward.

Span can only be specified at design time.

Actually it can be specified at both design
time and runtime.

MBF will not use ObjectSpaces

The opposite is true, MBF will be built upon
ObjectSpaces and will fully utilize ObjectSpaces as its Entity persistence layer.


ObjectSpaces will not support inheritance

Actually all three of common O-R inheritance
scenarios are supported. 1) Single
table with type discriminator 2) One table per type And 3) One table per concrete

ObjectSpaces and the new managed SqlXml are
two entirely different products.

Actually, the products share common mapping/
query/ persistence engines and the teams work very closely on the sharing ideas and
features. In fact several of us of worked
on both technologies.