
Shareholder value

Apparently – I went public, or at least my blog did. And let me tell you, I didn’t make a cent off it. I guess that all went to the investment bankers.

Bryant Likes, our SQLXML MVP from a couple of years ago, bought up all the shares of my blog. I guess that means he runs the board, etc. It is unclear to me what my role is now with respect to my blog. Really feels like I am just the blog founder being pushed off to the side and who doesn’t get to say squat about the daily operations of my blog. Makes me think I shouldn’t have gone public in the first place.

And what really bothers me is my drastic drop of my share price over the summer. Am I really doing that much of a disservice to my shareholder? Perhaps I should just resign now… or perhaps a quick link from Scoble or at least Dare could help my share price temporarily. Then I will have time to figure out the long term vision and business plan for my blog.