
Are the Sharepoint Web Services too complex? Looking for something better?

I'm looking for a few people to help beta-test an alternative to Sharepoint's web services.  The solution allows a simple "object modelish" approach to working with WSS, as shown by the following sample code snippets:

// display all fields of all items of all lists
ListsClient ListClient = new ListsClient();

foreach (ListDescriptor list in ListClient.GetLists("https://WssSite"))
     Console.WriteLine("List {0} has {1} items",list.ListName,list.ListItems.Length.ToString());
     foreach(ListItem item in list.ListItems)
           Console.WriteLine("item {0} fields:",item["Title"]);
           foreach(Field f in item.Fields)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}",f.Name,f.Value);


// update all list items in the "Tasks" list which are due today

ListDescriptor tasks = ListClient.GetListItemsByFieldValue("https://WssSite","Tasks","DueDate",strToday);

foreach(ListItem task in tasks.ListItems)


     task["Description"] += " <-- DUE TODAY!!";



It also solves some of the WSS web service pain-points, such as download/upload, checkin/checkout, etc. 

Drop me a mail if you are interested.  3/3/2005 Update: The source is now available for download, more details here