
Active Directory PowerShell Notes From The Field


PowerShell Saturday 002

Today I have the privilege of speaking at the second-ever PowerShell Saturday event.  As a Microsoft Premier Field Engineer I get to meet many customers and help them with their Active Directory and PowerShell needs. I’ve taken some of that experience and wrapped it into a presentation called Active Directory PowerShell Notes From The Field.

The session includes these four topics:

  1. Using Active Directory PowerShell to find schema update history
  2. Using PowerShell to migrate DNS zones
  3. Using Active Directory PowerShell to remediate token size issues caused by SID history
  4. A brief look at what’s new in Active Directory PowerShell v3

These notes from the field come from scripting that I've done to assist customers with real-world needs.  The purpose of the session is to demonstrate the power of PowerShell for automating Active Directory solutions for every-day scenarios AND to inspire you to learn PowerShell.  To help with the learning part I have included several resources here for your reading pleasure.

Attached to the bottom of this post you will find a file containing the DNS sample code and a PDF of the PowerPoint presentation.  You can view these files while you listen to the 75 minutes session recording here.


Code from the presentation

Active Directory PowerShell Documentation

TechEd 2012 Sessions on Channel9


PowerShell Saturday 001

If you would like to download the demos and audio recording of my presentation at the first PowerShell Saturday back in March you can find that here.  In that session I covered Five Free Ways To Script Active Directory.
