
PopFly Goes To College


I recently interviewed Professor Mark Frydenberg of Bentley College of Massachusetts. Professor Frydenberg has created a course that leverages PopFly to teach software architecture and development to his business major students. Professor Frydenberg's unique approach allows students to grasp complex distributed computing concepts, build and share sophisticated mashups while working with information (photos, news, music) that is relevant to them.



View my interview with Professor Frydenberg on Channel9: https://channel9.msdn.com/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=365558


[EDIT] Trent Batson has published an article on Professor Frydenbergs use of PopFly to teach IT concepts in Campus Technology.

Trent Batson, "Using Mashups to Teach IT Concepts at Bentley College ," Campus Technology, 2/6/2008, https://www.campustechnology.com/article.aspx?aid=58029

Trent Batson, Ph.D., is a researcher, author, and speaker, specializing in ePortfolio research and development. He is also editor of Campus Technology's Web 2.0 e-newsletter. https://www.trentbatson.com.

Technorati Tags: PopFly, Silverlight Architecture