
IIS Reports for IIS Manager 7

I have just uploaded a new application that extends IIS Manager 7 for Windows Vista and Windows Longhorn Server that adds a new Reports option that gives you a few reports of the server and site activity. Its features include:

  • Reports are scoped on the object selected in IIS Manager, so if server is selected you get a server report including all Sites information, if a site is selected you only get information related to that specific site
  • Export to HTML
  • Printing support
  • Different chart options: Pie, Columns and Lines
  • Built-in Reports:
    • Status Code, Hits Per Url, Hits by Hour, User Agent, File Extensions
    • Users, Time Taken, Win32 Errors, Client Machine, Http Method

Click Here to go to the Download Page IIS Reports

I'm working on a second version that will allow you to create your own queries and configure more options like Chart settings, and ore.

If you have any suggestions on reports that would be useful feel free to add them as comment to the post.