
Tick Tock… The Mango App Challenge is close to a stop…

The Mango App Challenge, a promotion Microsoft Canada launched a while back where you build and publish two Windows Phone apps and you get a free Windows Phone is now close to drawing to a close.  With a deadline to have your apps published by December 15, 2011, you still have time to get your apps in but you should probably start now if you haven’t yet and want to benefit from this offer!

The response to this competition to-date has been truly amazing!  A great number of you are now sporting slick Windows Phone devices as a result of this promotion and in return the Marketplace has some really great apps that have been published and available for Windows Phone users.

A great example of a fun entry would be AlphaDrops.  AlphaDrops is a highly addictive game by RWalrond (of Mossboard fame – I can’t help it; Walt Mosspuppet makes me laugh every time!) involving building words from letters dropping down the screen.  A great addition to the Marketplace and a lot of fun to play!  Below are some screenshots from the game:


Do you have a great app or game you’re building for Windows Phone?  Well, why not give it a go and enter the competition!  You still have a couple weeks to get published and enter the competition!

If you need some pointers on building apps for Windows Phone, you may want to check out the Microsoft Canada Windows Phone Resource Page, as it gives you some great links on how to get started building for Windows Phone. 

Good luck!