
Free Space Art Assets to help you build your game

imageWant to build a game but don’t have the time (or for some of us, the talent) to create the art assets? Check out the free Space art asset pack!

Always wanted to build a game but thought it was too hard?

Having beautiful art assets gives your game a much more polished look and feel and makes the game more appealing to your players.

Sometimes you find a few royalty free assets you can re-use on various websites, but we decided to try and help you by providing some themed art assets you can use for your games. No strings attached!

The art pack contains character sprite sheets, special effects and objects you can use in your game.

This week let’s check out the assets in the Space Pack (If you missed it there is a fantasy pack as well!)

Characters include a fun assortment of robots.

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Of course your robots will need space ships to fly

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Have your robots battle creatures from outer space including space jelly fish or space centipedes

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Add obstacles and have your characters leap on or avoid planets, suns, and asteroids

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Create a cool landscape for your planet with environmental assets like carnivorous plants, buildings, or bubbling volcanoes

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You should also download the background assets collection to find a suitable backdrop for your game as well. The pack includes a suggested outer space background scene.



You can find more art asset packs at https://wootstudio.ca/win8platstarter

Now you have the assets, how do you build your game?

For help with Windows Phone check out

For help with Windows 8 check out

If you build something cool, tell us about it!

Are you a student?

If you are a student, you don’t have to settle for the Express version of Visual Studio to develop your game! Use the same tools as the professionals by downloading your copy of Visual Studio Professional at DreamSpark! You can download Visual Studio Professional, the Windows Phone SDK, and the Windows 8 SDK all for free! DreamSpark is the student one stop shop for software!