
Template of the week: Windows 8 HTML5 Pong Game

screenshotHTML5 Pong is a great template for developers who are new to HTML5/Canvas or game development in general

This blog is part of a series

Okay full disclosure I wrote this template but that’s not the only reason why I think its great. This template shows you how easy it is to get your game up and running using the CreateJS suite of libraries and HTML5/Canvas. It shows you how to implement simple game development methods like “game states” and the “game loop”.


I get ask this question over and over again

“I want to build my game for Windows 8, where do I start?”

The HTML5 Pong game template is meant to be a starting point. It is written to be simple and easy to follow.

  • Use HTML5 Pong to learn a simple and quick way to get started using HTML5/Canvas.
  • Use HTML5 Pong to learn the basics of game development like the “game loop” and “game states”.
  • Use HTML5 Pong as a starting point for your next Windows Store game.


Download the source code for HTML5 Pong and try it out. If you’re looking for a HTML5 game template with a little more meat check out Yeti Bowl, a previous template of the week pick.