
Script for Installing SharePoint 2013 Language Packs

I was asked by a friend to see if I could help streamline the install process for language packs for SharePoint since you have to install each one manually, so I whipped up this little guy - hope it helps someone else.

What this does is recurse through a directory structure looking for setup.exe files and then fires them off one at a time. You'll see that I also have an ArgumentList parameter I'm passing to Start-Process - this is the location for the config.xml for the silent install and suppresses the EULA so you should be able fire off the script and walk away.

Here's what you want to do...

  • First, you want to make a directory structure somewhere on your machine like this:
    • d:\LanguagePacks
    • d:\LanguagePacks\French
    • d:\LanguagePacks\German
    • d:\LanguagePakcs\Spanish
    • etc...
  • Second, download each language pack to your SharePoint machine into the respective folder.
    • When I did this, they downloaded as a .IMG file, so I had to mount the IMG and pull the files out manually. I'm sure I could have scripted this part too, but I'm lazy and it's a one time deal for me.
  • Edit the script and point to the root folder that holds all the language folders, then you can run it.

Get-ChildItem -path "d:\LanguagePacks" -recurse | ?{$_.Name -eq "setup.exe"} |%{Write-Host "Installing at" $_.FullName; Start-Process -filepath $_.FullName -ArgumentList "/config .\files\setupsilent\config.xml" -wait}


Remember - you have to run PSConfig on all the machines you have the Language Packs installed, so be sure to run that after the powershell finishes:

PSConfig.exe -cmd upgrade -inplace b2b -force -cmd applicationcontent -install -cmd installfeatures