
PDC 2008: SharePoint 2007: Creating SharePoint Applications with Visual Studio 2008

I hope everyone is getting as pumped as I am for the PDC next week.  So much dev geek goodness in one week … its all good!

Plug for my session:

SharePoint 2007 Creating SharePoint Applications with Visual Studio
Thursday 8:30am

Abstract:  “Learn how to use Microsoft Silverlight and SharePoint together. See us build a SharePoint application using the Visual Studio 2008 extensions for SharePoint.”

Put it in your calendars:

That is this abstract from the PDC site … here is my more detailed version…

We wont be sitting watching slides .. 10mins MAX.  After that we will be jumping head long into a 50min demo that builds out a full application.  None of this cake in the oven nonsense

We are going to do that in 5 bits:

- Design – Do the branding stuff
- Extend – Extend SharePoint to add the things we need
- Integrate – With other systems using WCF
- Social – Everyone loves social stuff!!
- Visualize – Use Silverlight to show stuff

(Come and learn about new Silverlight stuff that has not been released yet!  no … its not Silverlight 2.0 that is already out)
