
Updated script for Moving Domino Groups containing SMTP Addresses

Thank you Casey Spiller for updating this script!

# Move-DominoGroupWithSMTP.ps1
# Written by Casey Spiller
# This script will move Domino Groups to Active Directory while preserving SMTP Addresses by
#  creating contacts in AD for these users. By default Move-DominoGroupToAD will drop SMTP  
#  addresses if they do not already exist in AD.
# For troubleshooting, please locate the transcript of the script which should be located
#  in your My Documents folder (by default).
# Known issues: If a user has an SMTP Address on a Domino Group that is also the SMTP Address used
#  of a MailUser, we will drop this address. Search the transcript for "SKIPPING" to locate any 
#  MailUsers who were dropped.
# Disclaimer:
# This script is not supported under any Microsoft standard support program or service. This
#  sample script are provided AS IS without warranty of any kind. Microsoft further disclaims
#  all implied warranties including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability
#  or of fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk arising out of the use or performance
#  of the sample scripts and documentation remains with you. In no event shall Microsoft, its
#  authors, or anyone else involved in the creation, production, or delivery of the scripts be
#  liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business
#  profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising
#  out of the use of or inability to use this script or documentation, even if Microsoft
#  has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

# Input Parameters
param ([string]$DominoGroup = "", [string]$GlobalCatalogServer = "", [string]$ADContainer = "", [switch]$help=$false, [switch]$All = $false,[switch]$CreateContactsOnly=$false);

#regex to identify SMTP addresses
$smtpregex = "^([a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+)@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.)|(([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.)+))([a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,3})(\]?)$";
$iAddress = 0;

Function ShowHelp

 Write-Host "Written by Casey Spiller" -foregroundcolor "White";
 Write-Host "This Script will Move Domino Groups to Active Directory while preserving SMTP";
 Write-Host "Addresses by creating Contacts in AD for these users.";
 Write-Host "";
 Write-Host "Options:" -foregroundcolor "White";
 Write-Host "-DominoGroup          : Used to specify the Domino Group we wish to migrate for";
 Write-Host "                        migrating groups one at a time";
 Write-Host "";
 Write-Host "-All                  : Used to migrate all Domino Groups at once. This option";
 Write-Host "                        overrides the -DominoGroup option";
 Write-Host "";
 Write-Host "-GlobalCatalogServer  : Used to specify the GC/DC";
 Write-Host "";
 Write-Host "-ADContainer          : Used to specify the Container in AD to write contacts to";
 Write-Host "";
 Write-Host "-CreateContactsOnly   : Used to Create Contacts in AD and NOT Move Groups";
 Write-Host "";
 Write-Host "Usage: " -foregroundcolor "White";
 Write-Host "Move-DominoGroupwithSMTP.ps1 -DominoGroup ContosoAll -GlobalCatalogServer dc.contoso.com -ADContainer Users" -foregroundcolor "Green";
 Write-Host "";


Function VerifyParams
 if (!$DominoGroup -and $All -eq $false)
  Write-Host "Missing 'DominoGroup' or 'All' Parameter. Either 'DominoGroup' or 'All' is required" -foregroundcolor "Red";
  Write-Host "";
 if (!$GlobalCatalogServer)
  Write-Host "Missing 'GlobalCatalogServer' Parameter" -foregroundcolor "Red";
  Write-Host "";

 if (!$ADContainer)
  Write-Host "Missing 'ADContainer' Parameter" -foregroundcolor "Red";
  Write-Host "";

Function CheckForAddress
 #initialize integer

 #Write-Host $member.ToString();
 if (Get-MailContact $member.ToString() -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
   Write-Host "Contact detected for" $member  "SKIPPING" -foregroundcolor "Blue" ;
 #Detect if we've found a Contact with the Address already for performance
 if ($iAddress -eq 0)

  if (Get-MailBox $member.ToString() -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
    Write-Host "Mailbox detected for" $member "SKIPPING" -foregroundcolor "Blue";

 #Detect if we've found a Contact with the Address already for performance
 if ($iAddress -eq 0)

  if (Get-MailUser $member.ToString() -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
    Write-Host "MailUser detected:" $member "SKIPPING" -foregroundcolor "Blue";
    Write-Host "Move-DominoGroupToAD will not move this user as it is a MailUser" -foregroundcolor "Blue";

 return $iAddress;

#Begin actual script

start-transcript -Verbose;
# Display help if -help is specified
if ($help -eq $true)
 {ShowHelp; exit }
else { }

#Check for params

Write-Host "";
Write-Host "Using the folling regex to detect what a valid SMTP Address is: " $smtpregex
Write-Host "-----------------------";

#Set DominoGroup to null if we are doing all DominoGroups
if ($All)
 {$DominoGroup = $null}

foreach ($group in (Get-DominoGroup $DominoGroup))
 Write-Host "Domino Group: " $group.Name;

 foreach ($member in ($group.Members))

  # we need to parse through the members to look for smtp addresses.
  # ie user@domain.com. We need both the @ and the "."

  if ($member -match $smtpregex)
    # Call CheckForAddress to verify if the address already exists in AD, set iAddress if we find the Address in AD
    $iAddress = CheckForAddress;
     if ($iAddress -eq 0)

      #create a new alias, we will change "@" to "_"
      $alias = $member.ToString().Replace("@","_");
      Write-Host "-----------------------";
      Write-Host "Domino Group contains member identified with an SMTP Address:" $member
      Write-Host "New-MailContact -Name" $member "-ExternalEmailAddress" $member "-OrganizationalUnit" $ADContainer "-DomainController" $GlobalCatalogServer -foregroundcolor "Green";
      New-MailContact -Name $alias -ExternalEmailAddress $member.ToString() -OrganizationalUnit $ADContainer -DomainController $GlobalCatalogServer
      Write-Host "-----------------------";

 Write-Host "----------------------------------------------";

Write-Host "----------------------------------------------";
Write-Host "";
Write-Host "";

if (!$CreateContactsOnly -eq $true)
 Write-Host "Now calling Move-DominoGroupToAD ";
 Write-Host "MoveDominoGroupToAD" $DominoGroup "-TargetOU" $ADContainer "-GlobalCatalog" $GlobalCatalogServer -foregroundcolor "Green";
 Move-DominoGroupToAD $DominoGroup -TargetOU $ADContainer -GlobalCatalog $GlobalCatalogServer -verbose;
else {
 Write-Host "Contact Only mode, No DominoGroups will be created in ActiveDirectory";

foreach ($group in (Get-DominoGroup $DominoGroup))
 Write-Host "Domino Group: " $group.Name;

 foreach ($member in ($group.Members))

  # we need to parse through the members to look for smtp addresses.
  # ie user@domain.com. We need both the @ and the "."

  if ($member -match $smtpregex)
    # Call CheckForAddress to verify if the address already exists in AD, set iAddress if we find the Address in AD
    $iAddress = CheckForAddress;
     if ($iAddress -eq 0)

      #create a new alias, we will change "@" to "_"
      $alias = $member.ToString().Replace("@","_");
      Write-Host "-----------------------";
      Write-Host "Domino Group contains member identified with an SMTP Address:" $member
      Write-Host "New-MailContact -Name" $member "-ExternalEmailAddress" $member "-OrganizationalUnit" $ADContainer "-DomainController" $GlobalCatalogServer -foregroundcolor "Green";
      New-MailContact -Name $alias -ExternalEmailAddress $member.ToString() -OrganizationalUnit $ADContainer -DomainController $GlobalCatalogServer
      Write-Host "-----------------------";

Write-Host "";
# End Script #


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Microsoft says DAS helps cut Exchange Server costs 5 Most Common E-mail Scams What are your Entourage

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Hello folks, A new version of the script that moves domino groups to AD was released. This script will