
Moving along at Microsoft

After over four years as an Academic Developer Evangelist at Microsoft, I have been blessed with an incredible opportunity to take on a new challenge.

Effective June 13, I will be working in Microsoft Game Studios as Community Manager for the Kinect team. I’ll be able to share more later on what that role is specifically, but I think it’s safe to say that I’ll be present at several of the big tradeshows, continuing to be present on the “Interwebs,” continuing to work in some ways with students and faculty, and working on some other special projects.

Since I was about 14 or 15, I have wanted to be in the game industry (if you can’t tell by the content of this blog over the years). I still have an email somewhere that I sent to Epic Games begging for work before I graduated high school. So, this is an incredibly exciting opportunity for me and I believe that over this next period of my career, I will have some great chances to experience different areas of the game industry.

For my faculty friends reading this blog: I’ll be introducing you to someone new in the next couple of weeks, but if you have things that need to be taken care of, please email me directly.

Fun times await me, with a great product and a great team! As I figure out what I’m doing, I will make some other announcements regarding this blog as well.