
A Collection of useful Avalon tutorial

While researching for information about Avalon [for play-n-learn sample app], I realized that I'm always going back to the same site/blog over and over again. I thought it is nice to just compile a list of information that I'm always using from time to time so that other users of Avalon can make find this easily. I can definately use all these information until more WPF books in the pipeline.

A Collection of useful WPF Avalon tutorial/info [:)]

Intro to WPF
Introduction to WPF

PDC 2005Webcast
Streaming Site [many sessions within]

Avalon 3d [some math/physics required :)]
  kindohm.com Avalon 3D tutorial
  karstenj's blog
  Andrej's blog

Avalon Core concepts [must read !!!]
Ian's Graphical Composition in Avalon [why Avalon diff from Win32]
  Avalon Dissected  Part 1 Part 2
  Joe Beda on Avalon Visuals [old but good]
  Avalon and hwnd
  Understanding DependencyObject, DepedencyProperty
  Logical and Visual Tree
  Avalon Threading

Avalon Media / MIL
  Greg Schechter's Blog
  Avalon Brushes

Avalon Data Binding [code bloat -> compact]
Chris Sells MSDN Data Binding #1  #2  #3
  Beatriz's Data Binding Blog
  Multicolumn Listbox binding
  Namita's WPF blog

Avalon Controls
  Avalon Content Model
  Kevin Moore's blog

Avalon Layout System [don't think you can build WPF app without this]
Authoring a custom layout in Avalon
  RenderTransform and LayoutTransform

Avalon Inputs
  Input, Commands and handlers 

Avalon Performance [make it slim and fast]
Avalon Performance Whitepaper
  mmielke's blog

Avalon Property System
  Properties, Commands and Events
  Attached Property
  Property order precedence

Text/Typography/Document and Decorators
  Fortes Work 

Design [inspiration]
  nathan's blog
  rdawson's blog

XAML [the syntax]
Rob Relyea xaml:Blog
  Inside XAML [old syntax, concept ok]
  Comparing XAML with CSS2 [ great for web dev]
Handling Resource in WPF [every app needs resource !!]

Avalon Styles [used to be VisualTree]
Styles and Control Templates sample chapter

Cool WPF Apps
WinFX Hearts [creator]
Microsoft Max
Microsoft Expression
Calendar Printing Assistant for Outlook 2007 [updated]


  • Anonymous
    May 24, 2006
    Ok, so one of the things I hope to achieve with this blog is to share all of the little gems that I come...