
How is DNSSEC related to web site security?

When you have a web site where Money is changing hands, customer trust has upmost importance. The moment you loose trust you loose your customers. You will need to invest on your security strategy in a multi layered fashion. Here is a short list (not a comprehensive one) of items you should keep in mind:

· SSL certificate: You will need too have a SSL web site certificate that you can get from a well trusted authority. As expected the most important thing you will want to look at is their assurances and operations. Asking for a web certificate with highest key length is not enough, its about what policiees are in place. The questions you would need to ask is when your private key gets comprimized, how fast is their CRL updated?, what measures are taken to prevent comprimise of their intermediate and what standards their are applying to their operations.

· Securing the environment: You would definetely want to have a secure network, securely configured host and applications. There are plenty of documentation on how to secure your routers, firewalls, locking down your servers and IIS configuration. If you would like to have more informataion please provide feedback and I will provide more information on this one. Get yourself ready for using IPv6. If you are planning for a web site or if you already have one running on older system, consider moving to Windows Server 2008 R2.

· Secure Operations: Securing the environment is only the first half of the story. You need to keep it that way. This means you need to monitor your servers, keep them up to date and upgrade them when necessary. Fully secured web server with no recent updates is sitting ducks ready to be used by criminals.

· Secure your web application: Its sometimes overlooked to get security review for your web application in place. No matter how good developers you have, you will need to get a security review from a security experts. This is also true on updating your web applications.

· Intrusion prevention and detection: Even if you did everything to secure your environment you will need to watch for activities on your web site. You need early warning signs if there is something unusual happening. This would need delicate tuning as these devices can create a lot of noise which can easily become overwhelming.

There are different standards that you would need to adhere to and you should also check them out. For example if you want to process credit cards you would need to look at PCI DSS. However there is one more important part that needs your attention which is DNS. DNS protocol has been around for a long time. When it was first introduced security was not a concern. However as Internet grew, attacks based on DNS has increased considerably. The worst part is that as DNS is distributed service you need to trust other entities to provide security for DNS service. When a client asks for a dns name, DNS server will ask several dns servers before returning and answer to the client. If anyone of these servers are comprimized, client is redirected to a different web server which may look just like the original web site but actually is planned to get your username and password or credit card numbers. The best way to solve this problem is a standard that has recently popularized namely DNSSEC (DNS System Security Extensions).

DNSSEC is specified in RFCs 4033-4035. It adds new operations to DNS server and client and 4 new DNS records (DNSKEY,RRSIG,NSEC and DS). DNSSec digitally signs all records in a DNSzone. A client will obtain the public key and validate that the responses are authentic. So when a client asks a question to DNS servers the answer is digitally signed. Each time you hop from DNS server to DNS server you know that the answer is genuine as long as signature is valid. DNSSec is a feature of Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7. If you want to learn more about DNSSec on Windows you can find more information here. Even clients that do not understand DNSSEC can stil use the DNS servers in question, albeit without reaping the benefits of validation.

One of the most important blockers for wide DNSSEC implementation was top level DNS zones not being signed. As of the time of this writing most of the top level zones have been digitally signed. One of the most important zones is .com and is expected to be signed early next year. This will be a key milestone to make DNSSec mainstream.

When you are planning your DNS Infrastrcuture, you should keep in mind the following about DNSSEC:

· Dynamic update is not supported. You should use DNSSec on your external DNS entries and not on your internal DNS where clients are using dynamic DNS.

· DNSSec is not a lightweight protocol. You will need extra bandwidth and strong servers to handle DNSSec traffic.

· Clients will need to understand DSSec messages, which will happen with new operating systems. Do not expect that all clients trying to access your web site is secured the moment you implement DNSSec on your servers.

DNSSec will help secure Internet but it will need effort from all implementing parties. It would be necessary to start planning as soon not to be left behind.

As always, feedbacks are welcome.