
Minor Update to The Expression Blend 4 Release Candidate

As most of you know, last week we released the release candidate version of Expression Blend 4. Shortly after many of you had a chance to play with it, some of you reported that Expression Blend crashes during launch.

If you are one of those people whose Expression Blend crashes after launch, please download this minor revision of the release candidate we released last week:

blendicon_3 Expression Blend 4 Release Candidate (Updated)

If you aren’t having any problems launching Blend, you do not have to upgrade. There are no new features or changes besides some changes to make sure Expression Blend runs properly on launch.

Submit Error Reports!
We were able to detect this issue thanks largely through the error reports those of you with this crash submitted. We constantly go through all of the crash reports we receive, and we try to fix as many of them as possible.

While we hope you never have to experience crashes from running Expression Blend, if you do experience a crash, please do submit the error reports!


- The Expression Blend Team