
Updated Components for Windows Phone 7 Development

At MIX, we released an early preview of our support for building applications for Windows Phone 7 that only ran on a pre-release version of the .NET Framework.

If you have been holding off on upgrading to the latest versions of Expression Blend, Visual Studio, or .NET 4, wait no more! Today, we (along with the Windows Phone team) are releasing an update to the components we released last month to work on the final version of .NET Framework 4.

Download everything you need below:

blendicon_3 Expression Blend 4 RC (Refresh)

Windows Phone Development Besides the RC posted above, you will need the following components installed for developing Windows Phone apps:

  1. Windows Phone Developer Tools
  2. Microsoft Expression Blend Add-in for Windows Phone
  3. Microsoft Expression Blend SDK for Windows Phone

Besides support for .NET 4, there have been some general improvements to the overall design experience, emulator updates, and breaking API changes. You can get a broader overview on the Windows Phone Developer blog.

As always, we love to hear from you. Please feel free to comment below or use our forums here.

- The Expression Blend Team