
More Developer Training from Channel 9

Sitting here at PDC this week and watching the loooooonnnng line for the Azure hands-on labs.   Wow!

Not at PDC, or perhaps you are but you don’t think the camera or mouse is worth the wait?  Try out the new training from Channel 9 online.  On Tuesday, November 17th, Channel 9 launches 3 additional online training courses created by developers for developers. 

Channel 9 has always been about giving direct access to the engineers and future technologies from Microsoft.  These videos and labs, with links to extensive training kits, allow developers to get started on hands-on-learning about emerging technologies at your own pace. 

Windows Azure Platform Training Course

Learn how to build applications that utilize Windows Azure and SQL Azure in this self-paced course of videos, samples and hands-on labs.https://r.ch9.ms/winazd 

Discover Claims-Based Identity

Identity has never been so easy. Whether you develop ASP.NET web sites or WCF web services, this self-paced training course will show you how you can take advantage of Windows Identity Foundation, the newest addition to the .NET Framework family, to handle identity and access for your .NET applications in simple and interoperable fashion. The hands-on labs assume no prior knowledge of the subject, covering the most common task first, while more advanced scenarios allow the developers who chose so to explore the topic in more depth.


Windows HPC Server 2008 Training Course 

Created for software developers as well as IT professionals, this training course includes videos, white papers, datasheets, presentations, and webcasts—all designed to help give you a thorough understanding of the productive, cost-effective and high-performance computing solution that Windows HPC Server 2008 and other Microsoft technologies provide.

