
Q: Why keywords instead of __keywords? A: We already tried __keywords; they failed.

Last week on comp.lang.c++.moderated, Nicola
Musatti wondered why C++/CLI would use keywords that don't follow the __keyword naming
convention for conforming extensions:

The standard already provides a way to avoid conflicts when introducing new keywords:
prepend a double underscore.

Right, and that's what Managed C++ used, for just that reason: to respect compatibility.
Unfortunately, there was a lot of resistance and it is considered a failure.

For one thing, programmers have complained loudly that all the underscores are not
only ugly, but a real pain because they're much more common throughout the code than
other extensions such as __declspec have been. In particular, __gc gets
littered throughout the programmer's code.

At least as importantly, the __keywords littered throughout the code
can make the language feel second-class, particularly when people look at equivalent
C++ and C# or VB source code side-by-side. This comparative ugliness has been a contributing,
if not essential, factor why some programmers have left C++ for other languages.



  // C# code


  class R {
private int len;
public property int Length {
get() { return len; }
set() { len = value; }

  R r = new R;
r.Length = 42;


  // Managed C++ equivalent


  __gc class R {
int len;
__property int get_Length() { return len; }
__property void set_Length( int i ) { len = i; }

  R __gc * r = new R;
r.set_Length( 42 );

Oddly, numerous programmers find the former more attractive. Particularly after the
2,000th time they type __gc.

But now we can do better:


  // C++/CLI equivalent


  ref class R {
int len;
property int Length {
int get() { return len; }
void set( int i ) { len = i; }

  R^ r = gcnew R;
r->Length = 42;

I should note there's actually also a shorter form for this common case, to have the
compiler automatically generate the property's getter, setter, and backing store.
While I'm at it, I'll also put the R instance on the stack which
is also a new feature of the revised syntax:


  // C++/CLI alternatives


  ref class R {
property int Length;

  R r;
r.Length = 42;

C# is adding something similar as a property shorthand. But C# doesn't have stack-based
semantics for reference types and is unlikely to ever have them, though using is
a partial automation of the stack-based lifetime control that C++ programmers take
for granted. I'll have more to say about using another time.