
Stop 4: Zurich, Switzerland

With the help of Rolf and Susan who organized the event, Jean-Marc and I presented to a user group in Zurich yesterday evening in a 3 hour session. We were somewhat disappointed at the low attendance - we only had about 20 people. But the audience was very engaged, so quality made up for the lack of quantity.

Most of the attendees were new to VSX, but we had one gentleman (whose name shall remained anonymous) who had written his own custom debug engine!

A general feeling we have so far from the European tour is that the VSIP program is still relatively unknown to both developers and DPE folks in Europe. When I return to Redmond, we will need to figure out how to better get the word out outside of the U.S.

Here are a couple of pictures we took at the end of the session with the group.

Picture I took of the group.


One of me inside.

If anyone had attended the session, please leave a comment to let us know what you thought of the talk!


- James