
Nearly half of Britons suffer "discomgoogolation"

I’m over in Barcelona at the moment with our mobility team and I saw this article which fascinated me.  The reason it gained my attention was that a bunch of people were desperately searching for wireless access codes in our hotel.

The article talks about “DiscomGooglation” which relates to the fact that 44% of people feel stressed if they can’t get access to the Internet! This was done by measuring heart rates and brain wave activity!

The survey also found 76 percent of Britons could not live without the Internet, with over half of the population using the web between one and four hours a day and 19 percent of people spending more time online than with their family in a week

The term “Discomgooglation” comes from "discombobulate," which means to confuse or frustrate, and Google.

Of course I’d suggest it should be Discomliveation ;)

You can read the whole article HERE