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Mobile & Wireless Technology Blogs IT Blog Awards


Wow – I won!  I had a pleasant surprise yesterday when Rebecca emailed me to tell me my blog had won the Mobile & Wireless Technology Blog Awards in Computer Weekly! 


Big congratulations to Tracy and Matt for their blog - Tracy and Matt's blog- Independent Technology & Mobile Device News and Reviews which came second!


Overall Microsoft did pretty well in the awards winning 4 of the 10 categories

  • Steve Clayton’s “Geek in Disguise” blog won the “Company Blogs” category
  • Mike Taulty’s “Bits and Bytes” blog won the “Programming and Technical Blogs” category
  • Ray Fleming’s “UK Schools” blog won the “Public Sector Blogs” category
  • My blog won the Mobile and Wireless Technology Blogs

I wanted to thank everyone for their support, encouragement and interaction!  Whilst I write the blog – it’s the discussion and debate that takes place in the comments that inspires me!