
Visual Studio 2010 / .NET Framework 4 RC Ready for General Download

[I’ve started using Twitter as well for quick updates; frankly I’m still a neophyte when it comes to Twitter but the instant interaction is addictive. You can follow me at: twitter.com/jlzander ]

The release candidate (RC) bits are now ready for general download here.  So far I’ve seen a lot of great feedback on the new bits (including lots of great traffic on twitter), please do keep it coming.

I wanted to post answers to some common questions:

What versions of Silverlight are supported with the RC?

Silverlight 3 (the current production version) is included in the box.  Silverlight 4 is still under development.  We will be adding VS 2010 RC support for SL4 with the next public Silverlight 4 drop. If you are doing active Silverlight 4 development today we recommend staying with the VS10 Beta 2 build for now.

Are there Express editions of the RC available?

Not with this interim release.  All the features are available in the drops we’ve included.  Express editions will be sim-shipped at RTM.  It was just easier for drop logistics to limit the number of SKU’s we posted.

Do you need to uninstall Beta 2 before installing the RC?

Yes.  VS2010 runs side by side with VS2008 (and VS2005).  VS2010 Beta 2 must be removed to install VS2010 RC.

Is there a 64-bit .NET Framework package for the RC?

Yes.  The wrong file was posted on Monday but was quickly fixed.

Is Mobile development supported in the VS2010 release?

As with Beta 2 we do not have mobile development “in the box” for VS2010.  Mobile is definitely important and we’re working closely with the Mobile team to deliver support in the future.  Please stay tuned...

When will the RC bits expire?

As mentioned in the license, the RC build is set to run through June 30, 2010.  We expect this will give you plenty of time after our announced April 12th launch to upgrade to final RTM bits before the RC build expires.

If you find issues, please do report them via the Connect site.  We’re also very eager to see your survey feedback on the release.

Let the downloads begin!