
BayCHI Event Last Night

A big thanks to everyone who came to hear me speak last night at the
BayCHI monthly program at
.  I enjoyed meeting so many of you in person and hearing your
feedback and ideas.  Thanks especially to Rashmi, Deanna, Suzanne, Steve,
and everyone else from BayCHI who made me feel welcome and helped manage the
logistics of the event.  The turnout was great, and I hope those of you who
came found it worthwhile.  (And hopefully, there are a few new readers

For those of you who weren't there, the good news is that the BayCHI team should
be releasing material from last night's event online as soon as today. 
When it is available, I'll post again to let you know the location.

In my talk, I covered a lot of background
material about why we're doing the new Office 12 user experience, details about
the most important parts of the new interface itself, and answered questions for
a while.  If you saw me speak at PDC or MVP Summit, some of the root
material is similar, but tuned to the audience of user interface and usability

Thanks again for a great event, the interesting questions, and to BayCHI for
extending me the invitation.