
Windows 8 Video Driver for Inspiron 1521 - Radeon Xpress 1270

I have an old (circa 2007) Dell Inspirion 1521 laptop and wanted to get a better Video driver installed for Windows 8.  I found a Vista 64 bit driver on the Dell site that seems to work very well (compared to the generic drivers): https://www.dell.com/support/drivers/us/en/19/DriverDetails/DriverFileFormats/Product/latitude-d531?DriverId=X2T0W&FileId=2731098358&urlProductCode=False

When you get to the installer, ONLY install the drivers.  Do not install the catalyst stuff (it will make your CPU max out with an ati service).  I had some errors installing but the display now supports full resolution and the graphics speed is much faster!  I also upgraded to the latest bios available and gave the system the max memory I could for graphics (I had plenty to give because I have 4G Ram installed).


Let me know if this helps you!