
Microsoft Webcafe on November 23rd in Leuven–register and join us!

The next Microsoft Webcafe is taking place at the M-Museum in Leuven, on November 23rd.
Join us for another informal event with partner, Microsoft and Web community presentations.

What is it and what to expect?

Webcafes are informal, after the hours tech meetups for industry updates, cases, networking and exploring something different. We invite a few partner cases to present short cases or projects, sharing learning’s with attendees. The events are free, open to everyone with an open mind, and there is always lots of networking. Check out the pics from past events on our Facebook page to get an idea.

Topics on the agenda:

  • Microsoft and Nokia, just get to it! - Koen Speelmeijer from Gadget Review
  • Is my website a web application? - François Remy @FremyCompany
  • Nivario Circus – Websockets in HTML5 - Sven Huijbrechts @toSvenson
  • WebMatrix 2.0 Preview: HTML5, extensibility, web apps - Katrien De Graeve (@katriendg)

What’s in a café?
This is Belgium after all, a café without beer does not exist… So chances are you’ll get to do some tasting in between the more serious stuff.

Practical details

Date: Wednesday November 23rd 2011
Timing: 18:00 to 22:00
Registration: MS Webcafe page
Location: M-Museum
Leopold Vanderkelenstraat 28
3000 Leuven
