
Microsoft TechNet Wiki has launched !!!

wiki As you’ll recall in February and March we launched a number of very visible changes to the de facto IT Pro portal, https://technet.microsoft.com.  We also soft launched the Beta of the TechNet Wiki but I was under a gag order and not allowed to blog, tweet, or otherwise evangelize the project.  The gag order is now off.  Tweet tweet.

The Wiki is for real now and the link is right off the top navigation bar of the US TechNet homepage. That link goes to https://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/.

There are a number of things I’d like you to consider about the Wiki.  First, this is a Community platform service.  It’s from us to you, and from you to everyone else if you choose to participate in that manner.  So this new platform feature is VERY community oriented.  Jump in!

Second, we are just getting started.  We’ll keep the Beta label on the Wiki area for a little while in order to continue to shake down the software and features, as well as listen to feedback from the community.  Your feedback drives the next round of changes.

Third, you don’t have to write an entire article or whitepaper to contribute.  I fall into that category of fear. It’s unfounded.  You can participate in small but powerful ways.  The cool thing about the Wiki is that you can publish instantly and contribute a wide variety of media types.  We’re trusting you’ll do the right thing.

Interview with some Wiki Ninjas

Here are some thoughts from a couple of guys who have been deeply involved in the TechNet Wiki project.  Tony Soper is a Senior Technical writer and has been with Microsoft for ten years in a variety of interesting roles.  Eric Battalio is a Senior Program Manager in our Cloud Services group and joined Microsoft five years ago.   

I sat with them a couple of weeks ago and captured about ninety minutes of footage.  Here’s Part 1 and is about 15 minutes in length. I actually started talking with Tony first, then Eric joined us earlier than expected.  So part of the discussion with Tony got cut in favor of time.  I also cut introductions and some other stuff.  I’ll do better in the future on that.

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