
Subscription set up guide

Thought it funny when asking a child 'what is a subscription?' and the response isn't that for movies, videos, streaming and such!?

My first thought was a magazine or newspaper.




Somewhere in the middle of a Service and product, you need to know vital information



To set up a new subscription for the new monitors


SCOM Administrator ID required for update

Channel name

Subscriber Name set up in the SCOM environments for notifications


Log in to the SCOM Console

Click on Administration Tab

Expand Notifications

Click on Subscriptions

Click on New on top right hand pane


Enter Subscription name - Company AppID Environment Problem Description

Example TestLab Queue Monitors (Retry, Suspended, MessageCount GT 1000)


Recommend reviewing subscription naming convention to help leverage the description field for quick subscription criteria visibility



Update the description for SUBSCRIBERS and COMMENTS based on requirements


Sample description

+MONITOR = Exchange2013 Message Count, Exchange2013 Queue in * +SEVERITY = Critical +SUBSCRIBERS = JustinTime NOC team DL + Exchange support via Email +COMMENTS Created 2017-06-13 for Additional Exchange alerting

Click Next


Click the checkbox 'created by specific rules or monitors'

In the bottom pane, click on the hyperlink blank


In the Popup window for Monitor and Rule Search

Type Exchange

If that is too broad, type in the name of the first monitor

(repeat for the second and third monitors)

Monitor names

Exchange Message Count

Exchange Queue in

Click on Search button for each search


Highlight the monitor(s) from the output

Click Add

Verify they are in the 'Selected rules and monitors:' pane

Click OK


Verify the 3 monitors are in the 'created by hyperlinked data'

Click Next


Click Add to add a subscriber


Type in Subscriber name

Click Search

Highlight Available subscriber

Click Add

Verify subscriber is in 'Selected subscribers' box

Click OK


Verify that subscriber shows up in subscription wizard

Click Next


Click on Add


Type in channel name

Click Search


Select from 'Available channels'

Click Add



Verify channel is in 'selected channel' pane

Click OK

Click Next to verify summary

Make sure 'Enable this notification subscription' checkbox is checked

Click Finish