
Updated Skype for Business 2015 (premise) Addendum MP

Updated and completed for Company Knowledge!


Many thanks to Nick Wood for his help deciphering user impact for these alerts.

Reach out to Nick on LinkedIn


This has been an arduous effort to complete the Skype alerts and components.



It's taken a few steps along the way, to get all the content delivered.


To read the whole Skype Addendum journey, please read these additional blog posts
June blog
January blog


The initial Addendum pack with just service recoveries and Azure overrides

Old pack https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/Skype-for-Business-2015-b005f49f
This download disabled Azure, set service recovery tasks



The new Gallery download contains the following:

Skype SCOM Alerts.xls


NOTE The Skype.for.Business.Server.Management.Pack.Install.txt file contains the information as well


# Breakdown of files

# Skype SCOM Alerts.xls
# Skype SCOM Alerts XLS is is MP Export excerpt formatted for XLS workbook
# Feel free to search this file

# Column D is 'Escalate to Who'
# This has values as SCOM Engineering, Messaging Ops, Telephony, Messaging Engineering
# Column E is impact
# This has values: P3-P5, *Email
# Column F is the Display String for the monitor
# Column H has the User Impact, Cause, and Troubleshooting steps


# Microsoft.LS.2015.Monitoring.ComponentAndUser.Addendum.xml
# Addendum management pack sets up company knowledge tab for each Skype monitor, with actionable troubleshooting steps.


# Microsoft.SystemCenter.Notifications.Internal.xml

# Backup the current MP first, and merge if you are adding this to your environment!
# Use this pack cautiously, as it will replace existing Channels, subscribers, subscriptions.

# On Management server, open PowerShell window as Admin
# cd <path>
# Example

cd $HOME/desktop
Get-SCOMManagementPack -Name *Notification* | export-SCOMmanagementpack  -path "C:\"

Copy-item .\Microsoft.SystemCenter.Notifications.Internal.xml .\Original-<CompanyName>-Microsoft.SystemCenter.Notifications.Internal.xml



# Save the bundled Notifications pack to the same path

# YES it's that important, the file can eliminate any alerts leaving SCOM!
# Save file to local drive

# Follow MP Fragment authoring if you need to merge existing Notifications with Skype pack
# https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/kevinholman/2016/06/04/authoring-management-packs-the-fast-and-easy-way-using-visual-studio/

# Skype.for.Business.Server.Management.Pack.Alert.Grooming.xml
# This file is to set alerts per the XLS, making warnings for P4,P5, email, and P3 for Critical
