
CSMetal - Code generating/Linq provider Release 2 is available

CSMetal is a command line tool that reads Commerce Server 2009 metadata and generates a set of strongly-typed classes to use with the Commerce Foundation API and a set of Linq providers to allow access to Commerce Server entities via Linq.
It can dramatically simplify basic access to Commerce Server 2009 functionality by enabling simple Linq-syntax queries against most Commerce Server entities.
Sample unit tests are included that demonstrate the various access methods including a full checkout scenario.

This tool was created by Kerry Havas, Product Architect of the Commerce Server Product Unit.
It is not an official Microsoft release and is not supported by Microsoft Product Support.
Please use the discussion lists on MSDN Code Gallery to ask questions and provide feedback.

It is on MSDN code gallery here:




There are also a couple of sample applications, including a rewritten version of the "Orders" sample that comes with Commerce Server, which demonstrates the savings in overall code of using the Linq based queries and even a pretty complete sample ASP.NET MVC 3 (Razor) application.

All source code is provided for the code generator and it may be modified to fit your need.