
Godzilla wakes up

I haven't been active on my blog in a few months with all the traveling around the world speaking at various Visual FoxPro developer events as well as being busy working on the upcoming release of Visual FoxPro 9.0. I plan to make blog entries much more often, so I'd like to think of this formerly dormant blog of mine like Godzilla when he was not seen or heard until an big event occurred (in this case the release of Visual FoxPro 9.0) woke him up. :)

Some people have asked what I work on and what I've been working on lately. I spend about 90% of my time at Microsoft working on Visual FoxPro related efforts, about 10% total on mixed things like company wide community efforts across multiple product groups as well as the XML tools in Visual Studio 2005. Almost all my efforts of the last few months have been on speaking at various events and working on all the product planning and launch details for the release of Visual FoxPro 9.0.

Our current status of Visual FoxPro 9.0 is that we will officially complete and release sometime tomorrow Dec 17th. That could change depending on how long it takes and the results of all the media verification and other processes currently underway before final sign off to manufacturing. I will post more entries here later tonight and tomorrow with more news and information.