
Mac Mojo

Confessions of a Mac Switcher at Microsoft

Hi. My name is Blair and I'm a switcher. I guess it all started around OS X. I'd been working in a...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 01/31/2007

Introducing a “certain je-ne-sais-quoi”

A new year, a new blogger! Today’s post is all about me! I’m taking the plunge in the Mojo so let me...

Author: eric.paquin Date: 01/30/2007

Great time at Macworld this year...

Update: TUAW has posted a Macworld 07 interview with Sheridan that I've added to the list below. I...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 01/14/2007

16 years of MacWorld

This is my 16th MacWorld, if you can believe that. When I think back on all the things I have seen...

Author: ExCntx Date: 01/11/2007

The Times They Are A Changin'

For many Entourage users prior to today, March 2007 was a month to lose sleep over. The United...

Author: AndyRuff Date: 01/10/2007

Microsoft Announcements at Macworld '07

Lot's of great news coming out of San Francisco today. Check out our announcement of Office 2008....

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 01/09/2007

Bay Area Mac users needed again!

You responded in droves when we last asked for usability test participants!  We have another...

Author: Office for Mac Date: 12/22/2006

And we're back!

Thanks to a lot of hard work from a lot of people, I'm happy to let you all know that the new Mac...

Author: Schwieb Date: 12/19/2006

Converters Coming! Free and (Fairly) Fast.

There's been some pretty alarmist news stories this morning (apcstart.com; CrunchGear) about file...

Author: sherjo Date: 12/05/2006

A day in the life, usability edition

A few weeks ago, Brad told us what a day in his life is like. Inspired by Brad, here's a day in the...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 11/28/2006

Speaking of numbers...

One of the features in Excel I'm in charge of testing is "Calculation, Functions, and Formulas",...

Author: joeleblanc Date: 11/15/2006

Living complexity

Brad's Carl Sagan-style post on code size stirs up some familiar questions about complexity...

Author: Geoff Price Date: 11/10/2006

MacBOO to you! Happy Halloween and TidBITs Treats!

Today kicks off our official sponsorship of TidBITS, and it's a real Halloween treat for us to work...

Author: sherjo Date: 10/31/2006

I've been thinking about doing a PowerPoint links post for a long time. Communications is one of...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 10/29/2006


I put out a call on this blog last week to help me find some users who are Entourage and PowerPoint...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 10/26/2006

Closet space, the final frontier

The last event of C4 was a visit to Chicago's Adler Planetarium, with a special behind the scenes...

Author: Office for Mac Date: 10/23/2006

Checking out and checking in

C4 is over and I'm back in Seattle, which means these last two posts will be Almost Live-blogging...

Author: Office for Mac Date: 10/23/2006

The Peaceable Kingdom

More from Olof at C4.Curiously, there's a lot less Microsoft bashing at C4 than there was at WWDC....

Author: Office for Mac Date: 10/21/2006

Film at Eleven

It's Olof again, liveblogging from C4.John Gruber took us on a tour of Apple User Interface last...

Author: Office for Mac Date: 10/21/2006

C4 is Teh Bomb

Hi - I'm Olof.  I guess I'm the first "guest blogger" on MacMojo.  I'm a developer on the Mac Office...

Author: Office for Mac Date: 10/20/2006

Looking Back

Before I get started, I suppose some sort of introduction is appropriate for readers who have only...

Author: Rick Schaut Date: 10/20/2006

Bay Area Mac users needed

Edited to add: This study has now been filled. Thanks for signing up! I know that I’ve asked our...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 10/20/2006

Sweet Sixteen

Just a quick update: Recently we got our blog stats for our first month on the net as the Official...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 10/18/2006

I spent a lot of time this weekend thinking about links, but I couldn't come up with a really good...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 10/16/2006

Office Delay? Ya Don't Say.

No, seriously, you don't say (or shouldn't), because it isn't true. Over the last few days, some Mac...

Author: sherjo Date: 10/11/2006

Mac Office Updates

Today we released update 11.3.0 for Office 2004 for Mac. You can get this update through Microsoft...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 10/10/2006

Trouble signing in with Messenger for Mac 6.0?

Ah, weekends. Time off, down time from thinking about bugs. Well, not if you’re Rebecca, one of our...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 10/10/2006

Ever have one of those really busy weeks where you can't even remember what you did at the end of...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 10/08/2006

Incremental mojo

Hello, another introduction for you – my name is Geoff Price, and I’m the Product Unit Manager for...

Author: Geoff Price Date: 10/06/2006

of babies and bathwater

A couple of weeks ago, Mary gave us a behind-the-scenes look at talking to the press. One of the...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 10/03/2006

Site funkiness - thanks for your patience

FYI - last night the servers that host all 3,500 MSDN blogs (including ours) were upgraded to a new...

Author: Office for Mac Date: 10/02/2006

So the big news from MacBU this week was the release of Messenger for Mac 6. This was an important...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 09/30/2006

On the power of a small team -or- Why MacBU testing rocks

Geez, now I have to follow up David's awesomely funny entry about the food alias with my dry post on...

Author: joeleblanc Date: 09/29/2006

Messenger: haves and hA/Ve nots

By now, some of you have heard the news. Today we launched Messenger for Mac 6.0, our first...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 09/27/2006

OK, I'll have to just admit that Friday is usually a bad day for me to blog. I end up taking care of...

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 09/23/2006

Behind the scenes: meeting the press

Late last week, Sheridan and I had the opportunity to meet with some reporters from Australia, Japan...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 09/19/2006

The big link that I saw come into the mac mojo blog this week came from Xbox Live's Major Nelson....

Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 09/16/2006

Timidly going where I’ve never gone before…

Have you read Robert Scoble and Shel Israel’s book “naked conversations”?  In the first chapter,...

Author: MSDN Archive Date: 09/08/2006

another way to give us feedback

Aside from leaving comments in this blog and the other various MacBU blogs, or sending us feedback...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 09/06/2006

Great Expectations

(Sorry, Charles.) Hiya folks! I'm Erik Schwiebert, one of the development leads here in the MacBU. I...

Author: Schwieb Date: 09/02/2006

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