
CQD Online Templates for Troubleshooting

Probably you have seen many posts on how to create custom CQD reports; but in this post it will be more detailed on identifying issues by CQD.

First i would like to explain that CQD is not a tool to troubleshoot user issues; but rather a compass to  show you where the problem might lie.

i have attached the reports that you can import in your CQD portal and they are ready for consumption.

All Modality Conferences

This specific report displays the total number of Conference streams in relation to poor % per workload in Conferences. 

All Modality Conferences with Dial in

All Modality Conferences with Dial Out 

Download : All-Modality-Conferences

Dropped Audio Streams

This report investigates the dropped streams based on the transport type

Weekly Dropped Count

Weekly Dropped rate; so you can narrow down when exactly the issue happened

Second Subnet Dropped

Second Subnet with Most Dropped calls

Download Dropped-Audio-Streams_Report


Total Failed Media and Ports report

Reasons of Failure DPI or Blocked firewall - with Detailed TCP vs UDP Ports

Audio TCP vs UDP  Rate

The more TCP you see vs UDP that shows there is an issue; as the first preferred ports are UDP and it may be blocked

Video TCP vs UDP  

The more TCP you see vs UDP that shows there is an issue; as the first preferred ports are UDP and it may be blocked


The more TCP you see vs UDP that shows there is an issue; as the first preferred ports are UDP and it may be blocked

AppShare Connectivity 

App share should connect DIRECT on high TCP ports, if that is blocked it fails back to the RELAY port which can be high port TCP or port 443.

Download Total-Failed-Media-and-Ports-report_


Wired PSTN

Calls made outbound to PSTN from Wired clients  

Users Outbound/Inbound calls to PSTN 

Calls to and from PSTN to all and from all Clients

Download Wired-PSTN