
The first entry


I believe everyone ever started blogging had this feeling, "what should I write down in the first entry"? But as I look forward let me just start with the idea of this blog: At Microsoft I am responsible for technical sales of Team System together with colleagues and in this role I really often step over stuff I just find amazing, great, exciting or just worth knowing. I want to use my blog to share this experience with you and I also will try to transport a bit of my team system motivation from while to while. 

I will also try to cover the one or another question I wasn’t able to answer directly e.g. in Webcast ...

A real hard decision was the fact which language to use. As I really prefer german in general because it makes it easier for most of our customers and also I am still a bit better in bringing things to the point I thought about this quit a few hours. But on the other side german would really exclude to many possible readers, so I will start with english and wait for your feedback. Thanks to Kay Giza for pointing me to the right starting point for Microsoft blogs.
