
Top Local Apps: Get Your Team’s Huddle in Order with Hudl

imageThis month my teammates(Kevin, Brian and Keith) and I decided to highlight apps that have caught our eyes.  One of the apps that caught my eye is Hudl.  Before I go any further, I love football, and this is probably why this app caught my eye.

Hudl provides online video analysis and coaching tools to sports teams at all levels. Hudl is currently being used by high schools, colleges, youth leagues, and professional teams across the United States.

While the app is free, it does require a Hudl membership to be truly effective.  Hudl does offer a 30 day trial, you can learn more about that here: https://www.hudl.com/signup/


One of the cool things is the app does provide a demo account when you download the app, to see what it can offer you.  So if you are a coach or know a coach you might want to download the app here:

Click Here to Download Hudl in the Windows Store for FREE!

Miss any Top Local Apps?

Be sure to check out our complete list of Top Local Apps at https://aka.ms/TopLocalApps!

Did we miss any of your favorite Windows 8 Apps? If so, be sure to list them in the comments section below!