
Attending TechReady6 Event

As part of the continuing effort to focus technical readiness activities, Microsoft holds an internal employee event twice a year called TechReady with events focused on technical readiness.  The objective of this event is to make sure we are provided with consistent and up-to-date product and technology information to better serve the customer.  This is a week long event that is held in the Seattle Convention Center in downtown Seattle. 

The great part about it is since we are always on-site with a customer and collaborating or communicating virtually, we get together face-to-face (for the first time or since the last event), and that includes some of the developers or Program Managers in the Product Group as well.   This morning Steve Ballmer gave a really energizing speech of which I have not seen in some time (somewhat reminiscent of the old Steve Ballmer just yelling and showing real enthusiasm).  The zeal he displayed really invigorated us where it hightened our passion for our customers and the company. 

 Well, gotta get rested up for tomorrow's events.