
Blacklight v4 for Silverlight 3 Released

It has been a short while since our last Blacklight release (March ‘09), however, I am pleased to say that we are back up and running, and have a brand new release for you.

Want to get straight to the good stuff?

See the latest showcase here.

Get the latest release binaries and source here.

This release addresses 5 main items:

  • Upgrade of Blacklight source and binaries to Silverlight 3
  • Addition of new controls – RangeSlider and WatermarkedTextBox– details below
  • Upgrade of DragDockPanelHost to be an ItemsControl, allowing full data binding support, and support for hosting elements that are not DragDockPanels.
  • Numerous bug fixes, especially with the DragDropPanel controls in both Silverlight and WPF. Some of these fixes did involve some very basic API changing.
  • Update of Blacklight Showcase.

Blacklight, with this release is no longer supporting Silverlight 2 – that was sooooo last month. However, nothing has been implemented in this release that takes advantage of new SL3 features, so, the code will still run fine for SL2.

Range Slider

The range slider control is a ‘double headed’ slider control that allows the user to select a range of values. I have used similar controls in a number of projects, but came up with a nice generic implementation here.


Watermarked Text Box

A text box which allows you to place a watermark inside that will display when there is no text, and the control doesn’t have focus.


And finally…

We have plenty of new controls in the pipeline, and future versions will begin to take advantage of the new SL3 capabilities – so stay tuned! Please keep the feedback coming in!
