
Free ebook: Petzold’s Programming Windows Phone 7 (Special Excerpt 2)

643352_win Phone.inddJust in time for VSLive in Redmond, here’s a second draft preview ebook of Charles Petzold’s upcoming Programming Windows Phone 7! The first preview ebook contained six chapters. This one contains eleven chapters (and 265 pages):

Part I The Basics

Chapter 1   Hello, Windows Phone 7

Chapter 2   Getting Oriented

Chapter 3   An Introduction to Touch

Chapter 4   Bitmaps, Also Known as Textures

Chapter 5   Sensors and Services

Chapter 6   Issues in Application Architecture

Part II Silverlight

Chapter 7   XAML Power and Limitations

Chapter 8   Elements and Properties


Chapter 20   Principles of Movement

Chapter 21   Textures and Sprites

Chapter 22   Touch and Play

Download the PDF here. Download the XPS here. And download the sample code here.

We’ll be finishing Charles’s full book in time for PDC10 (October 28). And, guess what: it will also be free.

As always, enjoy!